Pod Network — Project Strategy

This project is focused on expanding and supporting the Pod Network, a rapidly growing community of local educational and advocacy groups.

Will Krakow
2 min readApr 10, 2020


Pod Network helps share the health and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet and support people who have chosen this lifestyle. This project is led by the nonprofit PlantPure Communities.

1. Join a Pod

Search for an existing Pod in your community. If one is not available, consider starting a new Pod and becoming a Pod leader.

2. Join OpenTribe

If you join an existing Pod that is not yet set up on OpenTribe, introduce your Pod Leader to this platform and encourage other members to sign up.

3. Plan your meetings

If you are starting a new Pod, identify a location in your community where you can host Pod meetings. Community centers, libraries, universities and other public spaces are a good place to start your search.

4. Host regular meetings

Aim for your Pod to meet regularly — once every two weeks or once a month — and organize these meetings around a potluck meal. Include a “Recipes and Announcements” poster board where members can share their creations and upcoming events.

5. Read the PlantPure Communities Culinary Philosophy

Read this statement to ensure that your group complies with the standards noted. The Pod Network does not support the SOS-free or other more extreme versions of the plant-based diet that are not back by science.

The goal of the Network is to build a healthier, plant-based world by following scientific principles aligned with the research of Dr. T. Colin Campbell (senior science advisor to PlantPure Communities). Pods should aim to make plant-based diets accessible and attractive to people new to the diet.

6. Share stories

Share the media and educational content referenced in this Project with Pod members. Draw from this stream of content to provide education at Pod meetings and stimulate group discussions.

7. Join OpenTribe

Encourage Pod members to sign up on OpenTribe.com, where they can access the aforementioned media and project information and connect with members of Pods around the country.

8. Review the Projects on OpenTribe

Consider engaging members in one or more of these projects.




Will Krakow

I share stories about grassroots change happening in communities around the world.