Accelerate Inference of Sparse Transformer Models with OpenVINO™ and 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors

OpenVINO™ toolkit
Published in
7 min readJun 29, 2023

Authors: Alexander Kozlov, Vui Seng Chua, Yujie Pan, Rajesh Poornachandran, Sreekanth Yalachigere, Dmitry Gorokhov, Nilesh Jain, Ravi Iyer, Yury Gorbachev


When it comes to the inference of overparametrized Deep Neural Networks, weight pruning may be one of the most popular and promising techniques that is used. It can reduce model footprint, decrease the memory throughput required for inference, and improve performance. Language Models (LMs) are highly overparametrized and contain lots of MatMul operations with weights, it’s natural to prune the redundant weights and benefit from sparsity at inference time. There are several types of pruning methods available:

  • Coarse pruning: group-level pruning (groups of weights), vector pruning (rows in weights matrices), and filter pruning (filters in ConvNets).
  • Fine-grained pruning (single weights).

Contemporary Language Models are basically represented by Transformer-based architectures. Using coarse pruning methods for such models is problematic because of the many connections between the layers. This trait means that:

  1. Not every pruning type is applicable to such models
  2. Pruning of some dimension in one layer requires adjustments in the rest of the layers connected to it.

Fine-grained sparsity does not have such a constraint and can be applied to each layer independently. However, it requires special support on the HW and inference SW level to get real performance improvements from weight sparsity. There are two main approaches that help to leverage from weight sparsity at inference:

  1. Skip multiplication and addition for zero weights in dot products of weights and activations. This usually results in a special instruction set that implements such logic.
  2. Weights compression/decompression to reduce the memory throughput. Compression is performed at the model load/compilation stage while decompression happens on the fly right before the computation when weights are in the cache. Such a method can be implemented on the HW or SW level.

In this blog post, we focus on the SW weight decompression method and showcase the end-to-end workflow from model optimization to deployment with OpenVINO™.

Sparsity support in OpenVINO™

Starting from OpenVINO™ 2022.3 release, OpenVINO runtime contains a feature that enables weights compression/decompression that can lead to performance improvement on the 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors. However, there are some prerequisites that should be considered:

  • Currently, this feature is available only to MatMul operations with weights (fully-connected layers). Meaning, there is no support for sparse Convolutional layers or other operations.
  • MatMul layers should contain a high level of weights sparsity, especially for large Transformer models trained on simple tasks such as text classification.
  • The deployment scenario should be memory-bound. For example, this prerequisite is applicable to cloud deployment when there are multiple containers running inference of the same model in parallel and competing for the same RAM and CPU resources.

The first two prerequisites assume that the model is pruned using special optimization methods designed to introduce sparsity in weight matrices. It is worth noting that pruning methods require model fine-tuning on the target dataset in order to reduce accuracy degradation caused by zeroing out weights within the model. It assumes the availability of the HW capable of DL model training. Nowadays, many frameworks and libraries offer such methods. For example, PyTorch provides some capabilities for NN pruning. There are also resources that offer pre-trained sparse models that can be used as a starting point, for example, SparseZoo from Neural Magic.

OpenVINO also provides instruments for DL model pruning implemented in Neural Network Compression Framework (NNCF) that is aimed specifically for model optimization and offers different optimization options: from post-training optimization to deep compression when stacking several optimization methods. NNCF is also integrated into Hugging Face Optimum library which is designed to optimize NLP models from Hugging Face Hub.

Using only sparsity is not so beneficial compared to other popular optimization methods; such as, bit quantization which can generally guarantee better performance-accuracy trade-offs after optimization. However, the good thing about sparsity is that it can be stacked with 8-bit quantization so that the performance improvements of one method reinforce the optimization effect of another one leading to a higher cumulative speedup when applying both. Considering this, OpenVINO runtime provides an acceleration feature for sparse and 8-bit quantized models. The runtime flow is shown in the scheme below:

Two end-to-end workflows:

  • Pruning and 8-bit quantization of the floating-point BERT model using Hugging Face Optimum and NNCF as an optimization backend.
  • Quantization of sparse BERT model pruned with 3rd party optimization solution.

Both workflows end up with inference using OpenVINO API where we show how to turn on a runtime option that allows leveraging from sparse weights.

Pruning and 8-bit quantization with Hugging Face Optimum and NNCF

This flow assumes that there is a transformer model coming from the Hugging Face Transformers library that is fine-tuned for a downstream task. In this example, we will consider the text classification problem, in particular the SST2 dataset from the GLUE benchmark, and the BERT-base model fine-tuned for it. To do the optimization, we used an Optimum-Intel library which contains the optimization capabilities based on the NNCF framework and is designed for inference with OpenVINO. You can find the exact characteristics and steps to reproduce the result in this model card on the Hugging Face Hub. The model is 80% sparse and 8-bit quantized.

To run a pre-optimized model you can use the following code from this notebook:

from pathlib import Path

from import OVModelForSequenceClassification
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, pipeline
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download

model_id = "OpenVINO/bert-base-uncased-sst2-int8-unstructured80"
ov_model = OVModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_id)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)

Quantization of already pruned model

In case you deal with an already pruned model, you can use Post-Training Quantization from the Optimum-Intel library to make it 8-bit quantized as well. The code snippet below shows how to quantize the sparse BERT model optimized for MNLI dataset using Neural Magic SW solution. This model is publicly available so that we download it using Optimum API and quantize on fly using calibration data from MNLI dataset. The code snippet below shows how to do that.

from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path

from datasets import load_dataset
from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer

from import OVQuantizer
from import OVConfig

model_id = "neuralmagic/oBERT-12-downstream-pruned-unstructured-90-mnli"
quantized_sparse_dir = Path("bert_90_sparse_quantized")

# Instantiate model and tokenizer in PyTorch and load them from the HF Hub
torch_model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_id)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)

def preprocess_function(examples, tokenizer):
Define a function that tokenizes the data and returns it in the format expected by the model.

:param: examples: a dictionary containing the input data which are the items from caliration dataset.
tokenizer: a tokenizer object that is used to tokenize the text data.
the data that can be fed directly to the model.
return tokenizer(
examples["premise"], examples["hypothesis"], padding="max_length", max_length=128, truncation=True

# Create quantization config (default) and OVQuantizer
# OVConfig is a wrapper class on top of NNCF config.
# Use "compression" field to control quantization parameters
# For more information about the parameters refer to NNCF GitHub documentatioin
quantization_config = OVConfig()
quantizer = OVQuantizer.from_pretrained(torch_model, feature="sequence-classification")

# Instantiate a dataset and convert it to calibration dataset using HF API
# The latter one produces a model input
dataset = load_dataset("glue", "mnli")
calibration_dataset = quantizer.get_calibration_dataset(
preprocess_function=partial(preprocess_function, tokenizer=tokenizer),
# Apply static quantization and export the resulting quantized model to OpenVINO IR format
quantization_config=quantization_config, calibration_dataset=calibration_dataset, save_directory=quantized_sparse_dir

Enabling sparsity optimization inOpenVINO Runtime and 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors

Once you get ready with the sparse quantized model you can use the latest advances of OpenVINO runtime to speed up such models. The model compression feature is enabled in the runtime at the model compilation step using a special option called: “CPU_SPARSE_WEIGHTS_DECOMPRESSION_RATE”. Its value controls the minimum sparsity rate that MatMul operation should have to be optimized at inference time. This property is passed to the compile_model API as it is shown below:

from openvino.runtime import Core

core = Core()
model = core.read_model(model="path_to_model_xml")
# MatMul layers with higher sparsity rate than 80% are optimized
compiled_model = core.compile_model(model=model, device_name="CPU", config=configuration)

An important note is that a high sparsity rate is required to see the performance benefit from this feature. And we note again that this feature is available only on the 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors and it is basically for throughput-oriented scenarios. To simulate such a scenario, you can use the benchmark_app application supplied with OpenVINO distribution and limit the number of resources available for inference. Below we show the performance difference between the two runs sparsity optimization in the runtime:

  • Benchmarking without sparsity optimization:
# Dump benchmarking config for dense inference
with open("perf_config.json", "w") as outfile:
benchmark_app -m bert_90_sparse_quantized/openvino_model.xml -shape "input_ids[1,16],attention_mask[1,16],token_type_ids[1,16]" -load_config perf_config.json
  • Benchmarking when sparsity optimization is enabled:
# Dump benchmarking config for sparse inference
with open("perf_config_sparse.json", "w") as outfile:
benchmark_app -m bert_90_sparse_quantized/openvino_model.xml -shape "input_ids[1,16],attention_mask[1,16],token_type_ids[1,16]" -load_config perf_config_sparse.json


In this blog post we provided a comprehensive guide on how to accelerate the inference of sparase transformer models using OpenVINO and the 4th gen. Using the integration process outlined, developers can optimize their NLP applications for some enhanced efficiency and speed. To see performance results, please view the original blog.


  • Jupyter notebook with the performance benchmarks.
  • Model card for sparse and quantized BERT-base model

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