Intel Tiber Edge Platform Ushers in a New Era of Scalable AI — Intel Vision 2024

OpenVINO™ toolkit
Published in
4 min readApr 23, 2024

Author: Paula Ramos — Intel AI Evangelist and Ashutosh Kumar — Intel AI Technical Marketer

Intel Vision 2024 was an AI powerhouse, showcasing Intel’s commitment to empowering its users, customers and partners with AI solutions that span everywhere. For Ashutosh Kumar and myself, Paula Ramos, this event marked a momentous occasion: the showcasing of our demo using The Intel Tiber Edge Platform.

The focus of the conference was AI Everywhere — as you can also watch in our CEO Pat’s keynote — the client/PC, the cloud, and the edge. He talked about AI PC bringing AI to everyone’s desk, and unveiled Gaudi 3 and Xeon 6, for data centers, and spoke about the 3 laws at the edge. You can watch the full video here:

The 3 laws at the edge are highly relevant to what we are talking about in this blog, i.e. the Intel Tiber Edge Platform. You can learn more about the platform on the website.

But, no trade show or conference can be held without all the effort that goes on behind the scenes, leading up to the conference. You could say, it takes a village to bring all these things together.

Day -2 to Day 0: Powering the Edge

The days leading up to the event were a whirlwind of preparations as we meticulously crafted a demo to showcase the capabilities of the Intel Tiber Edge Platform. While preparing for the demo in two diametrically opposite corners of the nation, we worked on two components, that worked well on their own. Our challenge was, as it gets in many complex application development scenarios, to integrate two previously separate components into a seamless demonstration in just 24 hours.

The demo featured a robot tasked with sorting colored and defective cubes. The robot communicated with an edge server via the MQTT protocol and ran inferences on images captured by an industrial camera. Once an image was identified, the system’s prediction was transmitted to the robot, instructing it to place the cube in the appropriate garbage can.

Intel Tiber Edge Platform: The key to scalable edge AI.

At the center of our demonstration was the Intel Tiber Edge platform, aiming to solve problems at the heart of scalable edge AI. Our computer vision powered AI application, controlling the robot was deployed on a single node, on site, at the edge, mimicking a factory production line operation. But, from a scale challenge point of view, what if we had hundreds of robots operating in a single facility or thousands across an entire region? With the Intel Tiber Edge Platform we can create an AI application, update the application when new production data is available, package, and deploy applications to multiple edge devices based on specific policies, that could be region based, hardware resource availability based, and many more. It’s edge computing with cloud-like simplicity. You can watch a brief demonstration here:

Industry insights and partnership opportunities

Intel Vision 2024 provided an invaluable platform to interact with users, customers and partners. Our conversations revealed a shared understanding that Intel Tiber Edge Platform addresses a critical industry gap: the need for better total cost of ownership, and enabling customers with the ability to add AI closer to where data is generated.

Highlighting the benefits of Intel Tiber Edge Platform.

The Intel Tiber Edge Platform offers a plethora of benefits that differentiate it from the competition:

· Simplified deployment and management of AI at the edge.

· Unprecedented speed and scalability

· Cloud-like simplicity for end-to-end operations

· A complete set of software building blocks, toolkits, pre-trained AI models and reference solutions

· Embrace the future of AI Edge with Intel Tiber Edge Platform

As partners, customers, and users, you have the opportunity to harness the transformative power of the Intel Tiber Edge Platform. To learn more and stay up to date on the latest platform developments, click these link: Intel® Tiber™ Edge Platform Product Site, Intel® Tiber™ Edge Platform IDZ Website

Together, let’s revolutionize the edge AI landscape with Intel Tiber Edge Platform.

About the Authors

Paula is an AI Evangelist at Intel. She has been an AI enthusiast and has worked in the computer vision field since the early 2000s. Follow her on LinkedIn for more insights.

Ashutosh Kumar works in NEX Commercial Software Technical Marketing at Intel. He has worked in research and development, software development, and product across semiconductor, software security, machine learning, and AI for more than a decade.

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