Optimizing AI Inference with Ultralytics and OpenVINO™

OpenVINO™ toolkit
Published in
5 min readOct 23, 2023

There’s a lot of excitement around artificial intelligence these days. From revolutionizing industries to enhancing daily life, AI promises a future filled with new opportunities and possibilities. Traditionally, AI development has been complex and time-consuming, requiring specialized knowledge and skills — which has limited the use of AI to a small pool of experienced developers.

But the growing demand for AI innovation is not slowing down, making it increasingly important to break down the barriers to adoption. That’s why AI solution providers like Ultralytics are committed to making state-of-the-art AI models fast, accurate, and easy to use.

Achieving Object Detection with YOLOv8

Ultralytics, founded in 2014, aims to empower people and companies to harness the positive potential of vision AI. Its flagship product, Ultralytics YOLO (You Only Look Once), is an open-source object detection model, enabling fast and accurate object identification in images and videos.

YOLOv5, the fifth iteration, is widely used in self-driving cars, video surveillance, retail, and manufacturing for object detection. Building on its success, Ultralytics recently introduced YOLOv8 — offering improved speed, accuracy, and user-friendliness, while staying current with AI advancements and supporting various use cases.

Accelerating YOLO with OpenVINO™ for High-Performance Object Detection

While Ultralytics has worked to make it easier to train YOLO models, many developers still struggle to take AI to the next level.

That’s because — as Glenn Jocher, Founder and CEO of Ultralytics, explains — AI development typically involves two main phases: training and inferencing.

“There’s really two parts to everything that you do with a model. Just like when you’re growing up, you go to school, you learn things, you graduate, then your mom kicks you out of the house and you’re out in the real world and you have to make something of yourself. AI models are the same way,” he says.

The AI training phase involves using large datasets to teach the model patterns and other tasks. This requires substantial computing resources, usually in the form of expensive GPUs, which are not readily available to all developers. Consequently, it becomes both challenging and costly to transition to the next phase, AI inferencing.

AI inferencing involves deploying these models in real-world scenarios. During this phase, developers must ensure the efficient operation of AI models across diverse hardware platforms while maintaining accuracy and speed. This process can be compared to setting up a new phone — ideally, you want it to work seamlessly when powered on. But achieving this ease of use is often complicated, particularly when dealing with different formats and translations.

The idea is to make models as slim, lightweight, and efficient as possible to be reused on a variety of devices. One option is to run them on through the computer without a GPU, which is cheaper but a much slower option. But Ultralytics found it could transform its models into a different language or format to make it much faster and more cost-effective.

The fastest way Ultralytics found to do this was through the OpenVINO™ AI toolkit.

By leveraging OpenVINO, Ultralytics not only can ensure its offerings align with the latest advancements in the field but also enable developers to take advantage of Intel® CPUs, which are very dominant in the compute landscape and are used in a variety of video applications.

Ultralytics did benchmark tests running models on 13th Gen Intel® Core® i7–13700H CPU at FP32 precision and found OpenVINO produced the fastest inference time compared to other formats like PyTorch, TorchScript, and ONNX.

Intel is working to optimize the YOLO models to make them operate more effectively and efficiently on Intel and other off-the-shelf hardware using OpenVINO.

“If it’s not simple, people won’t use it. If it’s not accessible, they can’t use it. We’ve made it simple to turn your PyTorch model into an OpenVINO model and run AI inference directly on the OpenVINO model,” Jocher emphasizes.

Staying Ahead of the AI Curve

What attracted the Ultralytics and YOLO team the most about the toolkit was the speed and seamless workflow it offers, bridging the gap between development and deployment. Moreover, it boasts support for multiple hardware platforms, effectively optimizing performance and cost-efficiency.

OpenVINO is also packed with a variety of other technical features and capabilities, including:

· Hardware-agnostic optimization: OpenVINO can optimize deep learning models for a variety of Intel hardware platforms, including CPUs, GPUs, VPUs, and FPGAs — allowing developers to deploy their models on the hardware that best meets their needs.

· Model conversion and optimization: It offers tools for converting models from a variety of deep learning frameworks to the OpenVINO Intermediate Representation (IR), a hardware-agnostic format that can be optimized for specific Intel hardware platforms.

· Support for neural network libraries: Support for libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Caffe empower developers to use the deep learning frameworks that they are most familiar with.

· Inference engine: Featuring optimized performance and power efficiency, the inference engine enables real-time deployment of deep learning models on Intel hardware platforms.

· Multi-device deployment: Developers have the capability to simultaneously deploy deep learning models across multiple Intel hardware platforms, facilitating scalability to meet user demands.

· Performance profiling and tuning: This allows developers to optimize their models for the specific hardware platform that they are using.

· Integration with development workflow: The ability to be integrated with a variety of development workflows, including popular IDEs and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools. This makes it easy for developers to incorporate OpenVINO into their development process.

Accelerating AI Innovation

As AI continues to advance and change every day, we can expect Ultralytics and Intel to further collaborate on providing tools and solutions that make AI development even more accessible and efficient. The partnership brings together two transformative technologies to accelerate the development and deployment of deep learning applications.

To learn more on how to convert and optimize YOLOv8 with OpenVINO, check out the documentation and read Accelerating YOLOv8 Object Detection Model on AIxBoard with OpenVINO™.

Additional Resources

OpenVINO™ Documentation

OpenVINO™ Notebooks

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OpenVINO™ toolkit

Deploy high-performance deep learning productively from edge to cloud with the OpenVINO™ toolkit.