How to create a white-label crypto trading platform app based on the OpenDAX v4 NextJS template

How to generate crypto trading brokerage application on NextJS with @openware/create-opendax-web-app

Andrii Kushniruk
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2022


Create Opendax Web apps with no build configuration. Based on Next JS.

OpenDAX v4 provides you the ability to deploy a free, white-label, customizable, and open-source crypto exchange brokerage app connected to global Yellow Network liquidity and aggregated orderbook.

Welcome, everyone! Using this tutorial, we will generate a crypto trading platform based on a template for OpenDAX v4 using @openware/create-opendax-web-app and get it up and running with real market data.

1. Generate a new application

You’ll need to have Node 16.0.0 or a later version on your local development machine (but it’s not required on the server). We recommend using the latest LTS version. You can use nvm (macOS/Linux) or nvm-windows to switch Node versions between different projects.

For creating the application, you will need to run the following command:

npx @openware/create-opendax-web-app@latest

It will create a directory called my-app inside the current folder. Inside that directory, it will generate the initial project structure and install the dependencies.

After you run the initial script, the CLI will prompt you with the following question:

> What project template would you like to use?

Select in this place typescript.

After you need to enter the ane app name:

> New project name?

After you type the name of your project and press Enter, you’ll be good to go!

The whole installation process will take some time. (3~5min)

Once the installation is done, you can open your project folder:

cd my-app

Awesome. You can now test that the setup has gone smoothly by running “npm run dev “ in your command-prompt and opening the port (usually localhost:3001/trading/btcusdt, on a browser:

npm run dev
Your open-source white-label crypto exchange is almost ready. Let’s fetch some data!

Excellent, we have a whole platform. Now we can start a mock server for fetching some OpenDAX BE data, such as markets, currencies, klines, etc.

2. Start the mock server

  1. Install dependencies:
npm i npm-run-all colors header-case-normalizer js-combinatorics --save-dev

2. Start mock server:

npm explore @openware/opendax-web-sdk -- npm run mockserver

Once everything is up and running, we’ll be able to see the whole platform with all elements for the trading platform:

There it is — a white-label open-source crypto trading platform app with real market data you have deployed yourself.

Congratulations, you’ve launched your crypto brokerage!

We have a totally free and open-source crypto brokerage app connected to the liquidity network up and running, the complete trading platform.

Stay tuned, leave your feedback, and don’t forget to follow Openware for more updates!

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