How to register and renew domains in OpenWeb Network

OpenWeb Team
OpenWeb Network
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2019

OpenWeb Network uses smart contracts to register and transfer domain names on the network, publish websites and join a hosts in the network. All the operations of openweb protocol are completely decentralised and free from any intermediaries.

Below are some of the workflows that illustrate the functions on OpenWeb Protocol work:

  • Funding the contract — The first step to access the network is to have sufficient balance in the contract. The user needs to fund to the OpenWeb smart contract (0x68fcb1f0d07000a84b569ccb647dd8fe320cddaa). Once the contract is funded the balance associated with your account can be seen in OpenWeb Browser extension. For every transaction done by a user, the smart contract checks if there is sufficient balance in your account and if yes then the user can access the operations.
  • Register domain
    To register an OpenWeb domain the user can:

I. Either look up for domain using the domain registration section of OpenWeb Network website

II. Or send the domain registration details directly to the registerDomain function on the smart contract

The smart contract checks for domain availability and if the domain is available the user is required to send transaction to the smart contract (Currently OpenWeb website takes a user to MyEtherWallet for this operation). The contract checks for the availability of sufficient funds and if the user has sufficient funds then the domain is registered and assigned to the user’s address. Absence of sufficient funds will result in a failed transaction.

The cost of domain registration is currently fixed and will be updated in the future based on the market price of the token in $ value. The price will be updated using smart contact which will update pricing using Coinmarketcap api.

  • Renew domain
    A domain can be renewed for 365 days (multiple transactions can be done to renew for longer duration) by the domain admins.

