OpenWhisk Actions on Knative — Actions with JSON in / JSON out Interface

Priti Desai
Apache OpenWhisk
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2019

This is a follow up blog post of How to run OpenWhisk actions on Knative?

Here in this blog post, we are going to experiment with Hello World NodeJS action with input parameters.


  • Secret exists on Knative, check with:
$ kubectl get secret dockerhub-user-pass
  • Service Account exists on Knative, check with:
$ kubectl get serviceaccount openwhisk-runtime-builder
  • Build Template exists on Knative, check with:
$ kubectl get buildtemplate openwhisk-nodejs-runtime

If any of the secret/service account/build template does not exist on your Knative installation, please go back to the How to run OpenWhisk actions on Knative? blog post and run Step 1 through Step 3 depending on what’s missing.

Deploy NodeJS Runtime with Hello World Action Code

Configure the build file to point to your Docker Hub repo by replacing DOCKER_USERNAME with your username.


Deploy NodeJS runtime with action code:

$ kubectl apply -f build.yaml created

Verify the build pod exists:

$ kubectl get
nodejs-10-helloworld-with-params True 1m

Serve NodeJS Runtime as a Knative Service

Configure the service template to point to the Docker Hub repo where the OpenWhisk runtime (built in previous step) will be pulled from. Replace ${DOCKER_USERNAME} and create service.yaml:


Run Hello World Action

Depending on your Knative installation, determine how to access your knative gateway. Copy the JSON payload and run:


Note that JSON payload under activation is reserved for OpenWhisk controller/invoker and can be ignored.

curl -H "Host:" -d '@helloworld-with-params.json' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>
{"payload":"Hello Jill from OK!"}

Enjoy! 👍



Priti Desai
Apache OpenWhisk

Developer Lead @IBM. Tekton maintainer. Co-founder of License Scanner @Cyclonedx