OpenWhisk Actions on Knative — Web Actions

Priti Desai
Apache OpenWhisk
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2019

This is a follow up blog post of How to run OpenWhisk actions on Knative?

In this blog post, we are going to experiment with OpenWhisk Web Action.


The main function in this action returns a JSON payload with headers, statusCode, and body which are passed along to the HTTP client while terminating the request/response. NodeJS runtime responds with the given status code if exists. Similarly, body is passed along as the body of the response. Content-Type in the header plays an important role in determining the type of body. The body is interpreted as application/json for non-string values and text/html otherwise in case Content-Type is not specified in action. When the Content-Type is defined in action body, the runtime checks if the response is binary data or plain text and decode the string using a base64 decoder if needed. An error is returned in case the body fails to decode.

Let’s try deploying this action on Knative:


  • Secret exists on Knative, check with:
$ kubectl get secret dockerhub-user-pass
  • Service Account exists on Knative, check with:
$ kubectl get serviceaccount openwhisk-runtime-builder
  • Build Template exists on Knative, check with:
$ kubectl get buildtemplate openwhisk-nodejs-runtime

If any of the secret/service account/build template does not exist on your Knative installation, please go back to the How to run OpenWhisk actions on Knative? blog post and run Step 1 through Step 3 depending on what’s missing.

Deploy NodeJS Runtime with Web Action

Configure the build file to point to your Docker Hub repo by replacing DOCKER_USERNAME with your username.


Deploy NodeJS runtime with action code:

$ kubectl apply -f build.yaml created

Verify the build pod exists:

$ kubectl get
nodejs-10-web-action True 1m

Serve NodeJS Runtime as a Knative Service

Configure the service template to point to the Docker Hub repo where the OpenWhisk runtime (built in previous step) will be pulled from. Replace ${DOCKER_USERNAME} and create service.yaml:


Run Web Action

Depending on your Knative installation, determine how to access your knative gateway and run sequence of curl:

$ curl -H "Host:" -X POST http://<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>
$ curl -H "Host:" -X POST http://<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT> > image.png

This action returns a very low resolution of OpenWhisk logo which was specified in the action.


We just saw a simple web action returning an image, NodeJS runtime support many more use cases including:

Hello World Web Action


Web Action with HTTP Redirect


Web Action Setting a Cookie


Web Action Setting Multiple Cookies


All of these sample web actions are tested on OpenWhisk NodeJS Runtime.

Enjoy! 👍



Priti Desai
Apache OpenWhisk

Developer Lead @IBM. Tekton maintainer. Co-founder of License Scanner @Cyclonedx