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Apache OpenWhisk
Apache OpenWhisk
Apache OpenWhisk is a serverless cloud platform that executes code in response to events
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Ruby goes Serverless! - Apache OpenWhisk adds native support for Ruby

Ruby has finally become a first class citizen in the Serverless world now that Apache OpenWhisk has added native support for the Ruby Runtime. Thanks to the awesome work from Kei Sawada and the OpenWhisk…

Serverless Machine Learning With TensorFlow.js

In a previous blog post, I showed how to use TensorFlow.js on Node.js to run visual recognition on images from the local filesystem. TensorFlow.js is a JavaScript version of the open-source machine learning library from Google.

Lean OpenWhisk: Open Source FaaS for Edge Computing

This Blog is co-authored with Pavel Kravchenko as part of our work at IBM Research — Haifa*.

Unless you have been living in a cave for the last few years, chances are that you’ve encountered Function-as-a-Service…

Debugging Node.js OpenWhisk Actions

Debugging serverless applications is one of the most challenging issues developers face when using serverless platforms. How can you use debugging tools without any access to the runtime environment?