Elisa Wilson gives final instructions during the last pre-trip meeting Sept. 23. Photo by J.R. Hernandez / UTEP News Service

Final Preparations

How much does that luggage weigh?

Opera Bhutan
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2013


The UTEP singers and musicians met for a final rehearsal and pre-trip meeting this week. We went over the itinerary and logistics of the trip, starting from the early morning group photo at El Paso International Airport this Sunday, to the 30 hours in a plane over three days of travel, to the daily rehearsal schedule when we finally arrive in Thimphu, Bhutan.

Steve Wilson, UTEP associate professor of music, helps flute player Raul Chavira weigh his suitcase. Photo by J.R. Hernandez / UTEP News Service

We weighed our suitcases to make sure we wouldn’t go over the 45-pound limit, were reminded to avoid wearing yellow (the color of royalty), learned that currency exchanges in Bhutan often do not accept U.S. dollar bills printed before 2006, and were advised not to eat salad while we’re there (the water isn’t safe to drink, so salad rinsed in tap water isn’t safe either). After a final run-through of the entire opera, Handel’s Acis and Galatea, we agreed to meet at the airport Sunday morning wearing our UTEP orange and blue.



Opera Bhutan

Follow along as UTEP students, faculty and staff visit the Kingdom of Bhutan for a historic performance of Acis and Galatea.