Bhutanese school children see pictures of UTEP , get UTEP bracelets and read letters from El Paso children. Photo by Catie Mccorry-Andalis

Visiting a Bhutanese School

Opera Bhutan
1 min readOct 9, 2013


Music Associate Professor Steve Wilson and Dean of Students Catie McCorry-Andalis, along with two students, Monica Cabrera and Raul Valdez-Perea, visited a Bhutanese school Tuesday morning. They showed the students pictures of El Paso and UTEP, passed out Orange Friday bracelets and handed out letters from 1st and 6th grade children in El Paso. The students will write a letter to send back to El Paso.

Steve Wilson shows Bhutanese students pictures of UTEP and El Paso. Photo by Catie McCorry-Andalis

The UTEP ambassadors also gave each teacher pickaxe lapel pins, and Monica sang some opera for the entire school. It was a very special morning for everyone involved.



Opera Bhutan

Follow along as UTEP students, faculty and staff visit the Kingdom of Bhutan for a historic performance of Acis and Galatea.