We’re the first “Google Analytics Free” e-commerce

2 min readAug 20, 2022


Google Analytics is a powerful, wonderful tool. It’s almost present on 99,99% of websites. It’s extremely useful to study visitors behaviour and to help websites to sell more, to improve usability and speed.

Opera Campi doesn’t need it, since today.

We removed any possible analytics from our website.

There are precise reasons why we bravely removed a tool which was helpful:

  • Italian privacy authority declared Google Analytics V3 illegal in Italy. Despite this, nobody had the courage to remove Google Analytics in Italy, and most of websites upgraded to V4 which hasn’t been judged yet
  • Our users behaviour leaded us to remove Google Analytics: we understood our customers can’t be manipulated, their navigation cannot be improved using Analytics data.
  • Following previous point, we’re not a mass brand. We’re not like Zara or H&M with milions of online customers and low prices, so it would becomes easy to manipulate data in order to exploit better the user impulses.
  • More and more customers installed tools to avoid being tracked. They are intelligent users, they know how to use a website, they’re conscious they don’t need to be tracked. We want to lead that positive trend and find it logical, we think those kind of users are our target, so removing Analytics will increase our brand’s trust.
  • We need the maximum speed for our website. Removing analytics will improve the speed, even by 0.1ms, but it’s still and improvement.

