Adventures in the Unknown

Snezhina Yankova
Operation: Go Into All the World
4 min readDec 27, 2015
This is a gospel sharing tool I got in YWAM Orlando

Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.
— Luke 12:6–7 NASB

Today is a traveling day. Actually, aren’t they all? Seriously though, today I go to the only YWAM base on this journey.

Yet, the day starts out very chill. Just the way I like it. I had coffee with Carissa and generally didn’t rush to get going. Not that I ever do. However, some days I feel remorse for not leaving “on time.” This is not one of those days.

As I’m writing this, I’m playing with my hair and random hairs are lingering on my fingers, all too content to stay there instead of where I think they should be. That made me wonder if I find solace in the fact that the hairs on my head are numbered. I believe I do. Letting this knowledge slowly sink in and make its way to my heart (or my stomach as the ancient Hebrew understanding goes). Yes, this is what I’m currently pondering which is slightly off subject but then again — things in my head always relate to one another and this one is no exception.

YWAM Orlando! What a huge base! The current campus used to be an RV park but then after the housing market crash of 2008 the property devalued significantly and it was sold to YWAM Orlando at a significantly reduced rate. The buildings had all been gutted and most things had to be fixed up from scratch but the facilities present at the moment appear to be quite sufficient and the potential this place has is enormous.

Since this base goes to many Majority World countries, they have a place on campus where they test all of their inventions before launching them during outreach.

They have several mud huts built that are meant to withstand heavy rain and wind. The dome lies are built using rice sacks filled with dirt or mud and then sealed up with more mud.

There is a small garden project onsite for areas where water is scarce. There are fish living in the recycled water and the waste from the fish nourishes the plants. It looked quite impressive.

There was a mini forest with morenga trees. It reminded me of our days in Vietnam where we shelled the morenga seed for the company we helped at in Danang. Apparently, eating the leaves of the tree has energy properties not unlike those of caffeine. It tasted a tad sour but pleasant.

Stephanie — one of the two people showing me around — told me that if you take some lemongrass, rub it between your fingers and then rub the juice onto your skin, it will act as a natural mosquito repellent. We tried it and it seemed to work.

After roaming around the base and getting to know the area, I went to community night. I wish I had recorded some of their songs because they were good. As community nights are open to the public, they give a book to everyone there for the first time. Eternity In Their Hearts! Well, I suppose I’ll have to read it now that I own it. Don’t let my casual tone fool you though, I’m quite excited to read this book. I can’t just yet but once I’m back in Cali, it is on!

It takes a little over and hour from Orlando to Tampa where Molly is. I’m so excited to see her that when I get to her apartment we just hug each other and sort of squeal for a while before we can get off the street. More of a parking lot than a street but I suppose there were cars attempting to drive by. We go to her apartment and stay up until, I don’t know, 2am talking. Good thing I have had a few days to adjust to this time zone. When we go to her bed though I realize how incredibly comfortable it is. If I ever had anywhere I had to be I don’t know how I’d be able to get out of this bed. The sheets, the mattress, the pillows, it all seems to envelop you and whisper softly to you — close your eyes and then you are free to roam about the country. Almost! :)

Dec 1

