The fireplace at World of Beer

Ain’t it grand when you’re livin’ in La La Land?

Snezhina Yankova
Operation: Go Into All the World
3 min readMar 4, 2016


It seems so strange to simply recount days. I always want the emotional connection between what I’m feeling and what I’m writing to be evident. At the same time, some sentiments are better preserved inside and trying to describe them only appears to depreciate their value.

Molly — now there is a valuable person! Her soft heart and sweet voice make her a pleasure to be around. I feel like I have learned so much and have grown as a person just by being her friend. I remember when we were living in Paris the first time she asked me if we could talk. We went outside on the street and she apologized for something. I can’t remember what it was. It was trivial. However, she said that she didn’t want anything to stand in between us or to ruin our communication. I was so impressed! Well, not right away. No, at first I was surprised. No one I knew would have ever apologized over something so small. And here she was, setting aside her pride (if she ever had any) and to make sure that I was feeling good. It did feel good. It also taught me to do the same. I don’t think Molly and I have ever had a problem since. I know we have had things that we talked through. We have done a lot of talking, actually. But we have never not been able to resolve anything. I love and admire this girl so much! I have apologized to countless people since.

Sleeping in Molly’s bed is an experience like no other. No wonder neither of us could get out of bed until almost mid-day. When we finally woke up, I made pancakes with the gluten free mix that Lynn had given me. We were so hungry that we just kept eating them as soon as one was cooked. I think I need to perfect my pancake flipping skills but overall I did OK.

What do you want to do? I don’t know. What do you want to do? I don’t know. I want to see the new Zoolander movie. Oh, let’s just watch the first one. OK.

I think it went something like that. He He! When we were in Vietnam, Molly and Adriana would always want to watch a movie on TV but if I didn’t see the beginning of the movie and I hadn’t seen it before I didn’t want to watch it because it would spoil the movie for me. There were so many times when they would change the channel or I would go do something else. Those girls were so wonderful! I realize that they didn’t have to change the channel but they did. And I felt so loved!! It was now my turn to watch something with Molly that she hadn’t seen and I had. Earth to Matilda…

After the movie Molly had to go to school to have a meeting with a teacher. I can’t remember how long she was gone for. A couple of hours, maybe. I stayed in the apartment and played the ukulele on the floor. There is something so good about being on the floor. Especially with an instrument as small as a ukulele.

Eventually Molly got back and we decided to go out for beer at World of Beer. Impressive place! Yes, they had gluten free beer. And a fireplace. And cozy chairs. Basically — perfection! On our way back we had to stop at McDonald's pretty much in honor of all the McDonald’s runs in Paris even if all we got were large french fries. Got back in Molly’s comfy bed with her trusty laptop and watched game of thrones until we couldn’t keep our eyes open anymore. Oh, no, before we went to bed I gave Molly a massage. “A famous Snezhi massage” she called it. LOL! I guess I did that a lot in Vietnam. Massage just before going to sleep is the best!!

Dec 2

