Long Days Make For Short Stories

Snezhina Yankova
Operation: Go Into All the World


It’s hard to believe that I have to say goodbye to Molly after such a short time together. We are trying to make the most of our time together but I don’t think it is ever going to be enough.

Foundation coffee is hardly more than an outdoor seating area. The coffee is amazing though. Of course, I am not surprised in the least as James picked the spot. It is fun for me to introduce an old friend from Los Angeles who is temporarily living in Florida to another amazing friend who is currently living in Florida but may be moving to Los Angeles to pursue her career in dance. I only wish I could be in Los Angeles when that happens. Unfortunately, the chances of that are quite slim. We talk, try to catch up but really, how much can a person say in just a couple of hours. I think that’s the theme of my life — never enough time. Note to self: never waste any time since it never feels that there is enough of it!

I think Molly had to go to work and I had to head back to Ocala. However, we are able to get some ukulele time together. Both of us on the ukes. So sweet! Not. Enough. Time.

I get to Ocala just in time for college group. Well, I thought it was just in time but in reality I think it was a little earlier than that. Russ and Connie have created this family atmosphere that everything feels comfortable in. Connie actually makes a meal every week and feeds everyone who comes. I should say she did as they have now moved. When Carissa went to China, Russ, Connie and Becca moved to Port-au-Prince to manage an orphanage. So I got to spend one of the last college groups with them. It felt quite special.

I don’t really remember what I shared. My heart, essentially. A lifetime summed up a breath. Sometimes it is hard to believe I’m so much older than the average college student. I still feel twenty-two only with a brain that has another decade crammed into it. Sort of like on the ‘Butterfly Effect’ where every time Ashton would change anything he would end up with memories of a whole lifetime that didn’t correspond to the age his body was. Well, I’m not bleeding from the nose nor do I have superpowers. But I feel some sort of a discrepancy. I don’t feel the need to reconcile it all though. As long as my story makes a difference for anyone. It seems to. The Lord works in mysterious ways, they say.

Dec 3

