Awareness | Unity

UNIFYD TV: The Unconventional Streaming Service You Never Heard Of

It’s like Netflix, but Spiritual.

Operation UNITY


Promotional UNIFYD TV Image

Imagine being in the year 2020. Nightfall and the feeling of grogginess arrive at your doorstep, whilst watching TV during quarantine, deliberately avoiding the news, attempting to drown out the negative thoughts.

Only to become more alerted by the information you’re listening to. The words echo through the speakers…

“Nothing that happens to you is here to hurt you. Because All is Connected to the same Divine Source. And the Divine Source would never do anything to hurt itself.” ¹

This reminder triggers the feeling of chills. Memories of learning about Near Death Experiences for the first time emerge. Strong emotions well up as this was all that needed to be heard within that period.

From guiding the viewer into powerful meditations to testimonials of mediums channeling ETs (yes, aliens!) — the UNIFYD TV platform is anything but conventional. Even if information becomes censored in the mainstream by big corporations, it will end up here.

This is because the platform promotes freedom of speech — even for individuals who have been de-platformed.

Another unique thing about this streaming platform is that it’s more than a streaming platform. It’s also a social media platform, allowing users within the platform (free of charge) — to communicate with like-minded people around the globe.

Photo of Jason Shurka

Jason Shurka, Visionary Leader and Founder of UNIFYD World was devoted to his mission of creating a non-profit organization that educates, inspires, and helps the world while also funding greater initiatives.

This mission didn’t happen overnight. Jason endured many physical ailments between the years of 2011 to 2015. He dislocated his shoulder twenty-three times, had to undergo three shoulder surgeries, and almost lost his left leg and his life due to a staph infection.

While recovering and being isolated at a hospital and in his home, he questioned why this was happening to him, then began self-reflecting and meditating. After a while, he describes a wake-up call from the Universe.

“It took me time to realize, but the universe was screaming at me to wake up. To realize the Light and allow it to dissolve the darkness that lived within me. After twenty-three shoulder dislocations, three shoulder surgeries, and coming very close to having my leg amputated, I woke up. And so, my journey began…” ²

Learn More About Jason Shurka on his Biography Here. With a library of 1,000+ exclusive films, series, documentaries, interactive workshops, Q&As, interviews, meditations, LIVE events, and even more content added regularly, it’s trivial that this platform is under the radar.

The platform offers two sides of a coin when it comes to our metaphysical nature. Some of the content gives off a “Love & Light vibe” which can put a smile on our faces, while some of it can be quite dark. The shadow is something UNIFYD TV isn’t afraid to explore.

Screenshot from DISCLOSURE: The Finale on UNIFYD TV

(To avoid confusion, Ray denies Flat Earth.)

DISCLOSURE — the most popular docuseries on the platform, has Jason Shurka sit down with an anonymous hooded figure that goes by the name “Ray”, discussing what can be described as unconventional.

Ray mentions that he’s part of an organization called “TLS” (The Light System) — which goes into a rabbit hole of discussion. This entire docuseries is free to watch.

The topics can go from energy signatures to underground tunnels, which sometimes leads to unsettling information or “tin foil hat” territory. Most viewers hear things that they weren’t even aware of or things they don’t want to believe.

This type of content will no doubt spark cognitive dissonance with most viewers. Whether you want to believe the information Ray is describing is up to you. Viewer discretion is advised.

Ultimately, this type of content is not for everyone. But open-minded individuals and new agers alike would likely get a kick out of it.

If this piques your interest, consider starting your 7-Day Free Trial and learn something new today.

Disclaimer: This article contains UNIFYD TV affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you make a purchase using these links. 🔗

Hey, welcome to the end of the article! :) UNIFY TO CLARIFY is a platform and movement that delivers Unconventional Conscious Media to help serve humanity. | Contact:


[1]: The Different Dimensions of “WILL” with Jason Shurka:

[2]: My Story | Jason Shurka:



Operation UNITY

We share Conscious Media, Holistic Modalities, & Tools for Spiritual Growth. Unification Unveils Clarity. ♾️ (Affiliated with UNIFYD TV) -