Operations Engineer

Medium is seeking an experienced Operations Engineer to help us run Medium and supporting services

Rudy Winnacker
Operations Engineering


Medium, the company, is organized around a culture of mindfulness and collaboration. This culture manifests itself in a variety of ways including the organization of the company’s engineering teams. Individuals are encouraged to take ownership of clearly defined roles and act with autonomy within those roles to improve the company and the product. As an Operations Engineer you will be part of the group that runs Medium, troubleshooting technical problems and supporting the tools that help us quickly respond to and correct production issues. You will work with our monitoring and alerting systems, and help maintain the team’s build and deployment infrastructure.

You will be working with a wide variety of current web technologies running in Amazon Web Services. Our current software stack is a SOA built with many components. Here are some of the technologies you’ll regularly use:

  • Nginx for load balancing
  • Node.js and Go for the application layer
  • Amazon DynamoDB, S3 and Redshift for persistent storage
  • Redis for caching
  • Amazon SQS for decoupling backend components
  • GitHub for software version control
  • Flume for log delivery
  • Python and Bash for scripting operations tools

Medium’s developers are empowered to make critical decisions related to product design and implementation, and are the first and second lines of on-call defense for production incidents. Operations engineers provide further layers of support for issues related to provisioning as well as a variety of other ad hoc issues affecting the site.

Working in our San Francisco headquarters, you will have access to various amenities selected to improve your ability to work effectively and thoughtfully on your projects and other tasks, while encouraging a culture of respectful teamwork.

Compensation is competitive, including benefits and equity.


  • B.S. in Computer Science or equivalent
  • Strong troubleshooting and scripting skills
  • Positive attitude and strong interpersonal skills
  • A minimum of five years of relevant Operations Engineering experience

How to Apply

Apply here

Read more about life at Medium

A Medium-Sized Family

Building a Mindful Company

Medium Engineering Blog



Rudy Winnacker
Operations Engineering

Operations engineer, formerly with: Twitter, Google, Blogger.