Apple. OpenAI. A New Era.

TL;DR — Apple pouring in money into Microsoft.

Mohammed Brückner
Operations Research Bit
6 min readJun 8, 2024


The Apple-OpenAI Alliance.

Envision this: Omaha, Nebraska. The Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett, leans back in his timeworn leather chair, a gleam in his eye. This isn’t the gleam of someone tallying their wealth, oh no! This gleam, my friends, is reserved for something far more captivating: the approaching Apple conference announcement. If past years are any indication, this year’s event, anticipated around June 10th, promises to be a real barn burner!

Why is the Oracle so captivated, you ask? Let’s just say Buffett possesses an uncanny ability to sniff out a lucrative investment, a premonition if you will, and right now, his intuition is buzzing like a beehive! See, for over five decades, the man has been amassing a fortune, transforming Berkshire Hathaway into a bona fide money-minting operation. We’re talking about a compounded annual growth rate of 20% since 1970! That’s akin to turning a lemonade stand into a global beverage conglomerate! Forbes puts their total market capitalization at over $700 billion! This is a man who clearly knows a winner when he sees one.

And now, all signs suggest Apple is poised to hit the motherlode… with a little assistance from their new AI companion, OpenAI.

Now, speculations are circulating faster than a high-frequency trading algorithm about this potential Apple-OpenAI union. Silicon Valley is abuzz with whispers that Apple is about to take a big chomp out of the AI apple, and let me tell you, this could be monumental!

But before we examine the specifics of this potential tech merger, let’s step back for a moment. For those who haven’t been glued to the tech scene lately (for shame!), OpenAI is a major force in the realm of Artificial Intelligence. Established back in 2015 with a cool billion-dollar injection from tech luminaries like Elon Musk, this is not your average AI company.

We’re talking about the brilliant minds behind some of the most advanced AI models on the planet! Think GPT-4, their crown jewel large language model, boasting more parameters than stars in the Milky Way — over 100 trillion! That’s an astronomical amount of processing power! These models aren’t just number crunchers; they’re crafting poetry, generating musical compositions, and fielding your toughest questions with the combined knowledge of countless experts!

To put it concisely, OpenAI is the golden ticket in the AI marathon, and everyone wants a piece of the pie.

The Microsoft Advantage.

Now, let’s circle back to our potential Apple-OpenAI saga. At first glance, this seems like a partnership ordained by the tech gods. Apple, with its elegant devices and fiercely loyal customer base, could easily incorporate OpenAI’s models, crafting a user experience smoother than a hot knife through butter. Imagine Siri amplified tenfold! The mobile phone market alone is a staggering $3 trillion behemoth!

But here’s where the plot thickens. Hiding in plain sight is another tech colossus that has been quietly constructing its own AI domain: Microsoft. And this potential Apple-OpenAI alliance? It just might be the catalyst for Microsoft’s AI supremacy!

Unlike Apple, who would be just starting their AI journey, Microsoft already has its pedal to the metal. They’ve been in league with OpenAI for some time, providing access to OpenAI’s models through their cloud platform, Azure, with their aptly titled service, Azure OpenAI. It’s like a digital matchmaker, connecting businesses eager for AI capability with OpenAI’s revolutionary models.

Now, imagine the chain reaction if Apple joins the OpenAI party! Suddenly, millions, perhaps billions, of Apple users could be introduced to the remarkable power of OpenAI’s models. And where will they turn to satisfy their AI cravings? You got it, right into the welcoming embrace of Microsoft Azure!

We’re talking about a potential gold rush, with Microsoft sitting on a gold mine! The cloud computing market is already a titan, projected to balloon to a jaw-dropping $590 billion by 2025. And who’s steering the ship? You guessed it, Microsoft Azure, commanding a market share of roughly 20%. Factor in a surge in AI demand, and we could witness Microsoft becoming the undisputed ruler of the cloud!

But this goes beyond cloud computing. Remember that little gem called Azure OpenAI? It’s already a dominant player in the foundational models and platforms segment of the AI market. We’re talking about a market estimated at $15 billion in 2023, with Microsoft and OpenAI wielding a combined market share of 69%! That’s like owning the goose laying the AI golden eggs! With Apple potentially joining the fray, that user base could skyrocket, propelling Azure OpenAI’s value into the financial stratosphere!

The Battle for AI Supremacy.

Now, hold onto your hats, because things are about to get really interesting! This ain’t no two-horse race, my friends! In this corner, we’ve got Microsoft, fresh off its potential power-up from the Apple-OpenAI tag team. But wait, what’s that I hear? Is that a challenger approaching?

Why, it’s none other than the green giant of graphics processing, Nvidia! They’ve been ruling the AI hardware roost for years, and they’re not about to give up their crown without a fight.

See, Nvidia’s got a chokehold on the data center GPU market — we’re talking a whopping 88% market share! That’s like owning all the shovels in a gold rush! These GPUs are the engines that power AI, the muscle behind those mind-blowing OpenAI models. In 2023 alone, they raked in over $14 billion from this market!

But a combined force of Apple’s hardware ingenuity (those Apple Silicon chips are no joke!) and OpenAI’s software wizardry? That’s a force to be reckoned with! It’s like combining the strength of a thousand bulls with the speed of a cheetah on a sugar rush!

Could this be the start of a seismic shift in the tech landscape? Could Microsoft, fueled by OpenAI and propelled by Apple’s momentum, actually overtake Nvidia in the AI arena?

Now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Toppling Nvidia’s overall market dominance is a long shot, even for a powerhouse like Microsoft. But, my friends, Microsoft’s already got a head start in the AI software and cloud game. And with OpenAI as their ace in the hole, solidified by a potential Apple partnership, they’re poised to become an unstoppable force!

Buffett’s Masterstroke.

So, where does the Oracle of Omaha fit into all of this? You think a guy like Buffett, with his nose for value and his knack for spotting a winner, is just sitting on the sidelines? Think again!

While Berkshire Hathaway’s current holdings are about as secret as the Colonel’s secret recipe, we know one thing: Buffett’s a long-time fan of tech titans with staying power. Microsoft, my friends, fits that bill like a glove! They’ve got their fingers in every pie — cloud computing, software, gaming, you name it! — and their commitment to AI research and development? That’s music to a value investor’s ears!

Let’s not forget, Microsoft’s market cap is currently sitting pretty at around $2.5 trillion! That’s a whole lotta zeroes, even for a seasoned investor like Buffett. If I were a betting man, I’d say there’s a good chance Buffett’s already got a piece of that Microsoft pie, or he’s gearing up for a big ol’ bite!

Why? Because this potential Apple-OpenAI-Microsoft trifecta aligns perfectly with Buffett’s investment philosophy: find companies with an unbreakable competitive advantage, steady earnings growth, and the potential to generate value for years, even decades, to come! And with the AI revolution just getting started, Microsoft’s sitting prettier than a peacock at a garden party!

Apple pouring in money into Microsoft.

Alright, let’s recap, shall we? We’ve got Apple, the tech titan with an army of loyal users, rumored to be joining forces with OpenAI, the brain trust behind some of the most powerful AI models on the planet. This potential partnership sends shockwaves through the tech world, rippling outwards and shaking up the competitive landscape. Who benefits most? None other than Microsoft, my friends, with its Azure cloud platform and its early investment in OpenAI through Azure OpenAI. But wait, there’s more! This shake-up has the potential to dethrone the reigning king of AI hardware, Nvidia, as a new power dynamic emerges. And who’s watching this whole AI showdown unfold with a knowing grin? The Oracle of Omaha himself, Warren Buffett, a man who knows a good investment when he sees one.

Coincidence? I think not! Well, so much for predictions. Time will tell!



Mohammed Brückner
Operations Research Bit

Author of "IT is not magic, it's architecture", "The DALL-E Cookbook For Great AI Art: For Artists. For Enthusiasts."- Visit