Can we ride the technology waves?

Over the next ten years, AI will be the greatest force amplifier in history. That is from “The coming wave “.

Ron Immink
Operations Research Bit


The book is a combination of a lot of books. Such as”.

We have a choice

We are faced with a choice. A choice between a future of unparalleled possibility and a future of unimaginable peril. Technology has a clear, inevitable trajectory: mass diffusion in great roiling waves. With AI, containment is not possible. Neither can we contain synthetic biology, CRISPR, nanotechnology, robotics, 3D printing, IoT, 6G, social media, etc. General-purpose technologies enable seismic advances in what human beings can do. For example, a single person today likely has the capacity to kill a billion people. All it takes is motivation. You should also read “Thank you for being late”.

General purpose technologies

Past general-purpose technologies were axes, fire, language, farming, writing, steam, electricity, IT, etc. and as…



Ron Immink
Operations Research Bit

Father of two, strategy and innovation specialist, entreprenerd, author, speaker, business book geek, perception pionieer. See