Decoding the Hodge Conjecture — A Million Dollar Math Problem

Exploring the Intersection of Geometry, Topology, and Complex Analysis in the Quest to Solve a Millennium Prize Problem

Ritvik Nayak
Operations Research Bit
5 min readJul 30, 2024


In 2000, the Clay Mathematics Institute Released a list of 7 unsolved mathematical problems and proclaimed a $1 million prize awarded to anyone who could solve any of these problems, named the Millennium Prize Problems-The Million Dollar Math Problems.

One of these problems is the Hodge Conjecture. The Hodge Conjecture is an extremely difficult but very important problem in mathematics, more precisely in algebraic geometry. Confusing as it is, it can be reduced to easier concepts that will allow better understanding, so keep in mind that this is not a comprehensive review of the conjecture but rather a beginner’s guide.

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Think of all the shapes and patterns you see in your everyday life: the symmetry of a snowflake, the curves of a roller coaster, the structure of a honeycomb. Mathematicians are particularly interested in these shapes and patterns in a branch of mathematics known as geometry. First proposed by William Hodge in 1941, the Hodge Conjecture is an important question in the specialized field of algebraic geometry that attempts to link two significant concepts to each other.

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One of those concepts is topology, which is the study of properties of shapes which don’t change when you stretch or bend. So, for instance, a doughnut and a coffee cup are topologically equivalent because you can somehow deform one into another, provided you don’t cut or glue.
The second of the two fields is algebraic geometry, involving the study of curves that can be defined by polynomial equations. These shapes are called algebraic varieties.

The conjecture provides a relationship between certain topological features of these shapes and their algebraic structure.

Before we dive deeper into the Hodge Conjecture, there are a few mathematical terms that we have to familiarise ourselves with:

Smooth Projective Complex Algebraic Variety: This is basically a fancy term for a shape that can be described by polynomial equations and complex numbers.

Algebraic Cycles: These will be considered as special sub-shapes, say, curves or surfaces, in our general geometric shape, like the curve of a Pringle.

Topological Features: The properties of a shape that remain unchanged if you stretch or bend it.

Hodge Classes: Specific types of topological features that we would like to represent with algebraic cycles.

Cohomology: This is a tool mathematicians use to study the properties of shapes.

Hodge Structure: A way of organising the information from cohomology into understandable parts.

Now that we’ve got that clear we can finally understand what exactly the Hodge Conjecture states. The Hodge Conjecture suggests that certain topological features of our geometric shapes (Hodge classes) can be represented as sums of algebraic cycles. Have you ever thought about how a shape can be broken down into simpler parts to understand it better? This is similar to what the Hodge Conjecture is trying to do with complex shapes.

So the real question the Hodge Conjecture is trying to ask is whether or not specific topological features of certain smooth projective complex algebraic varieties (known as Hodge classes) can indeed be expressed as sums of algebraic cycles.

So why is this conjecture so important? Well, the conjecture has deep implications for algebraic geometry and will no doubt have far-reaching effects on other parts of mathematics, such as number theory and mathematical physics.

Mathematical Explanation

For those math geeks and mathemagicians out there, here is a comprehensive mathematical explanation of the Hodge Conjecture.

Understanding the Hodge Conjecture mathematically involves some concepts from algebraic geometry and topology. Let us break them down one by one:

Smooth Projective Complex Algebraic Variety
A variety is a geometric object defined as a set of solutions to polynomial equations.

Since the variety is smooth, it does not have sharp corners, edges, or singularities. and it can be embedded in projective space, meaning we consider it in a context where points at infinity are included.
The variety is defined over complex numbers 𝐶, which is why it is a Smooth Projective Complex Algebraic Variety.

Cohomology and Cohomology Classes
Cohomology is a very general framework in mathematics that permits one to study and classify properties of spaces.

For a variety X, the cohomology groups Hᵏ(X,C) encode information about the shape and structure of X.
Elements of these groups giving a way to study different dimensions of the variety are called Cohomology Classes.

Hodge Decomposition

Hodge theory gives a decomposition of the cohomology groups into subspaces H(X)(X) .


Hᵖᵠ(X)are called Hodge Components, which are important in understanding the topological properties of the variety.

Hodge Classes

Hodge class is a special type of cohomology class.

An element α∈H²ᵖ(X,Q) takes place in the intersection of two subspaces, means:


Namely, α can be written both as an element in the Hodge component Hᵖᵠ(X) and as a rational cohomology class in H²ᵖ(X,Q).

Algebraic Cycles

To further understand the mathematical explanation of the Hodge Conjecture, we have to understand the definition of a subvariety and an algebraic cycle, which is basically a subset of the variety defined by additional polynomial equations.

An algebraic cycle is a formal sum Z=∑aZᵢ, where Zᵢ are subvarieties and aᵢ are coefficients.

Now that we have a beginner’s basic understanding of the Hodge Conjecture, we can move on to the next Millennium Prize Problem, arguably the most interesting one.

The Hodge Conjecture

So basically, the conjecture states that for any smooth projective complex algebraic variety X, every Hodge class in Hᵖ,ᵖ(X)∩H²ᵖ(X,Q) is a rational linear combination of the cohomology classes of algebraic cycles. That is, if α is a Hodge class then there exist algebraic cycles Z₁​,Z₂​,…,Zn and rational numbers a₁,a₂,…,an, an​ such that:

α = a₁[Z₁​]+a₂[Z₂​]…+an[Zn]

where [Zi] denotes the cohomology class associated with the algebraic cycle Zi.

So to solve this conjecture and win a million dollars, one must either prove or disprove it.

So while the Hodge Conjecture is an extremely difficult problem, the impact and influence of actually proving it is significant enough to forever change the mathematical world, in a bubble.



Ritvik Nayak
Operations Research Bit

International Math Olympiad Gold Medalist | Programmer & Software Developer | AI, Machine Learning & Math Researcher | Easily Distracted Individual