Frontiers of Innovation in the Age of Discovery

15th to 17th century was a time of great innovation and discovery. European powers explored, colonized, and traded with new parts of the world. The innovations that were developed during The Age of Discovery have had a lasting impact, and they continue to be used to solve real-world problems today.

ORB, Operations Research Bit
Operations Research Bit


Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

The Age of Discovery (also known as the Age of Exploration) was a period of European exploration and discovery that began in the early 15th century and lasted until the mid-17th century. It was marked by a series of voyages by European explorers to Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Oceania. The Age of Discovery led to significant advances in navigation, cartography, and shipbuilding. It also led to the establishment of new trade routes and the discovery of new lands and cultures.

The Age of Discovery (15th-17th centuries) was a time of great exploration and discovery, as European explorers ventured to new parts of the world in search of trade routes and new resources. This period of exploration also led to a number of innovations in operations research (OR).



ORB, Operations Research Bit
Operations Research Bit

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