Your Medium Posts Will Shape AI's Future

Your writing, believe it or not, is more than just a collection of ideas; it’s a cornerstone in shaping the future of artificial intelligence (AI).

Operations Research Bit


AI bot reading medium articles. With the help of Open AI Chat GPT 4.0
AI bot reading medium articles. With the help of Open AI Chat GPT 4.0

A New Era of Information

We’re stepping into an era where AI, like ChatGPT, is becoming a staple in our digital lives. These AIs learn from a plethora of sources, and guess what? Your blogs are a part of that learning curve!

The Challenge of Access

With major platforms like Twitter and Reddit limiting AI access to their data, the landscape of information AI can learn from is changing. Google is having an identity crisis balancing providing information or pushing revenue with ads to you. If food bloggers and medium lean towards paywalls…

Opportunity for writers!

A Platform of Influence

Medium is not just a blogging platform; it’s a powerhouse of diverse opinions, insights, and experiences. And when you write here, you contribute to a global conversation. That eventually AI will access but at the receiving end

a human is searching for information.

I hope there will be a balance of AI and a need for humans to read the references and opinions from a human. This is a pivotal moment where we will shape how information is shared. What are your thoughts?



Operations Research Bit

I'm Alex, the developer and curator behind &, guiding fans to top anime picks.