Intensify Your Code: The Discipline of Code Review

Building better code through uncompromising review.

Aarsh Patel
Operations Research Bit
4 min readFeb 27, 2024


In the accelerated IT society, efficiency and quality reign supreme. While writing durable code is invaluable, the allied code review process takes it to the next level.

The invisible but formidable tool is a quality appliance, securing code functionality, maintainability, and consistency with best practices. However, cracking the art of code review involves more than just pointing out errors.

Through critical analysis and actionable feedback along with open communication, the code emerges dominantly in a flexible manner.

Why Code Review Matters

Consider two scenarios:

  1. You push your code live, only to face a downpour of bugs reported by users. Frustration mounts, and desperate fixes are attempted leaving deadlines hanging by the thread.
  2. You submit your code for review, receiving feedback on competent issues and alternative approaches. You incorporate suggestions, produce cleaner code, and prevent live bugs.

Which scenario is more desirable? While code review might seem like an extra step, the benefits are undeniable.

Superior Code Correctness

Catching errors early saves time and resources compared to live fixes. Reviews dedicate efficient use of algorithms, compliance with coding standards, and identification of possible security compromises.

Expanded Maintainability

Well-reviewed code is easier to understand, modify, and debug in the future. Clear structure, comments, and best practices make it accessible to other developers, reducing long-term maintenance costs.

Knowledge Sharing & Learning

Reviews offer a platform for knowledge exchange. Senior developers can guide junior ones, and everyone benefits from diverse perspectives and best practices shared within the team.

From Art to Technique

Preparation is key, context is king

Code review isn’t an individual activity. Consider the project’s broader context, including existing libraries, frameworks, and any relevant architectural constraints.

This comprehensive view inspires you to identify potential conflicts, compatibility issues, or missed opportunities for code reuse.

Before reviewing, understand the code’s purpose, functionality, and any specific goals it addresses. This helps focus your review and provides valuable context for feedback.

Absorb and briefly go through the code, getting a general understanding of its structure, logic, and key functionalities. This allows you to ask technical queries and provide more targeted feedback.

Reviewing an error handling block

Instead of just saying “This error handling is insufficient,” you could suggest, “This only handles specific exceptions. Consider using a try-except block with a general exception clause to catch unexpected errors too.”

Addressing code readability

Instead of a generic “This code is hard to understand,” you could provide suggestions like:-

  • Try using more descriptive variable names like naming userFullName instead of ufn.
  • Add comments to explain complex logic steps.

Highlighting security concerns

Don’t just say “This is a potential security lapse”.

Instead, offer solutions like: “Consider using parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection attacks. Refer to secure coding guidelines for best practices.”

Surpassing Code Boundaries

Code review is not just about technical correctness. It’s also about advocating a promising and uplifting team effort.

  1. Be respectful and professional
    Use constructive language and avoid personal attacks. Remember, everyone makes mistakes, and the goal is to learn and improve together.
  2. Appreciate different perspectives
    Value diverse viewpoints and be open to alternative approaches. Healthy debate leads to better solutions.
  3. Focus on learning and growth
    View reviews as opportunities for both the reviewer and the reviewed to learn and improve their skills.


Productive code review is not merely a checkpoint in the development process, it is a mainstay of high-quality software creation.

It reflects the identification of errors and explores the domain of knowledge sharing, coordinated training, and consistent growth.

By adopting a combination of rigorous analysis, constructive feedback, and open communication, developers can collectively elevate code functionality, maintainability, and following recognized standards.

The benefits of thorough code review are versatile. Early detection of bugs translates to cost savings and reduced deployment headaches. Well-reviewed code exhibits enhanced maintainability, allowing future modifications to be undertaken with greater ease and efficiency.

Apart from just functionalities, reviews serve as platforms for knowledge exchange, aiding senior developers to guide their junior companions and promoting a collective understanding of industry procedures.

By assimilating these principles and supporting a spirit of team-oriented appraisal, software development teams can unlock a profusion of perks. They can produce code that is not just functional but also elegant, adaptable, and secure.

Essentially, they can prevail in an environment of communal learning, where every review becomes an opportunity to upgrade their technical forte and push the boundaries of software proficiency.



Aarsh Patel
Operations Research Bit

Bridging the gap between vision and functionality: building robust solutions at AlphaBI. I wonder about books and philosophy during no-code hours.