Looking Beyond the Surface: Solving True Business Challenges with Anticipatory Thinking
Innovation is not a seamless linear process.
Introducing the next big idea or remarkable invention to the marketplace is full of starts and stops, progression and regression, and forward and backward movement. Each start and stop represents a unique business challenge. Amidst this complex journey, it is easy to get caught up in what seem to be the most pressing business problems, only to realize later that they were merely distractions.
What do you do when you come across problems that appear insurmountable? How do you continue to drive your organization forward when obstacles seem to block every path?
In my experience as strategic advisor and futurist for both large business leaders and small business owners, the most effective strategy when it comes to overcoming issues is just to skip them. That’s right; throw the perceived problem to the wind and focus on something else to set yourself on the right track!
This may initially seem counterintuitive. However, trust me when I say that by skipping what you perceive to be the biggest challenges in business, you open your mind to reveal the real problem. Additionally, you open the door to new business, as well as developing a clearer long-term…