Mathematica Use for Engineers

I am new to medium but once I heard about it from others how easy it will be to write any story of some usefulness to others, I am writing on one of the subject information useful for engineers.

Ganapathy Narayanan
Operations Research Bit
2 min readFeb 27, 2015


Yes, I said ‘one’ of many subjects that are useful for engineers in the current technology.

I have some experience of using many mathematical and technical software in the last 25+ years in the industry and academia. I find that, among the many software that are useful for engineers during their college course study and during their professional career, one very useful software is the ‘Mathematica’ software.

Mathematica software is unique in the sense that though the software is developed as an advanced ‘symbolic’ and ‘numeric’ mathematical software, the software combines various knowledge subject area through an associated software known as ‘Wolform-Alpha’. The world knowledge base may not be complete yet, but the knowledge accumulation so far in many subject areas are as extensive as it can possibly be at this time. Of course, the knowledge base will increase as time goes on.

Even though, I titled this post as ‘Mathematica use for engineers’, the software is well suited for use by mathematicians for sure, suited for use by Physicist and by chemist and by biologist and by finance folks and many other professionals in this world. This list of professional who could use Mathematica is not comprehensive, but i hope you get the picture. May be some day, when I get more information on this list, I amy post it.

Since I am an engineer, by education, by training and working as an engineering profession, I would share my views on using Mathematica for solving engineering problems. Of course, this one post will not complete what I have to say on this topic. I am just introducing the focus of this topic so, in my future posts, it will be easy to see connections with all posts on this topic.

Of course, one can find plenty of information on Mathematica and on its use, how to use it, demonstrations problems using Mathematica, and other topics of interest. I may give more information on the Mathematica links where you can find such information, as I get into more details in my future posts.

One last item to note on this topic posts is that it will be written in an order that I seem to think is best for this post. Of course, I plan to have some sequence that may help other engineers who are reading my posts. I have no clue of how many posts will be written, but less than 5 minutes reading per post per simple topic will be the norm of my posts.

I will stop here for this post, and I will continue tomorrow or when I get time to write more on my second post on this topic.

Thanks in advance for your interest and time in reading my posts on this particular topic of ‘Mathematica Use for Engineers’.



