ORB’s OptiSage AI. Teaching Assistant

Ask questions, ignite discussions, and explore the cosmos of OR. OptiSage thrives on curiosity — like a caffeinated physicist at a blackboard. OptiSage unravels mathematical enigmas. It’s like having Euler as your chat buddy.

Formulate OR problems and find optimal solutions to complex problems. Simply type your queries. OptiSage will respond faster than light (well, almost). Try asking:

  • “topics to write about”
  • “Why is the Fibonacci sequence so prevalent in nature?”
Photo by Heramb kamble on Unsplash



Operations Research Bit
Operations Research Bit

Published in Operations Research Bit

Insights and applications of OR for the everyday reader. We publish articles on how to solve problems, improve decision-making, case studies, interviews, and tutorials. Accepting writers. ORB is a commercial subsidiary of Global Institute for Optimization TM 24'

ORB, Operations Research Bit
ORB, Operations Research Bit

Written by ORB, Operations Research Bit

Business problems, solved. Even the edge cases. Editor of ORB, Sustainable Cities and Economics Central. Authors, expand your reach: bit.ly/write-for-orb

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