Precision in Code Crafting: A Journey to Better Programming

Mustafa Senturk
Operations Research Bit
2 min readFeb 3, 2024

While working, I take notes about the parts where I realize I made mistakes or waste time, and I think about frequently recurring mistakes and how they can be prevented. When I decided to collect and compile these notes, I conducted research on what had been written on this subject. I came across several well-prepared articles, but this Wiki page caught my attention in a distinct manner:

The writer suggests that research has shown what can be accomplished by the best developers in a day may require nearly a month for others, and the key factor enabling them to achieve this is not working harder but rather working with higher precision. This article reminded me of a review written by Eric Lippert, a former member of the C# language design team with 16 years at Microsoft, on codereview.stackexchange, which I came across months ago:

Reading this code review article expanded my horizons, profoundly influencing my perspective on the software development process and leading me to a new engineering consciousness. Rather than rushing through the coding process, it became necessary to develop software meticulously, under an engineering discipline, calmly, and professionally. This discipline and meticulousness should not be confused with over-engineering; instead, it is the hallmark of a master craftsman.

Admittedly, this meticulousness may be perceived as time-consuming in the software development process. The software development is a lengthy, challenging, and iterative process, including the maintenance phase of the software. It’s crucial to recognize that this meticulousness, which may seem like a waste of time at the beginning of this process, can prevent a great waste of time later on. Thus, I began collecting my notes more enthusiastically, hoping to draw attention to this issue and raise even a little awareness about it.

My compiled notes for now: SD-CommonSense

Don’t forget the words of Margaret Atwood about perfection:

“If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word.” — Margaret Atwood.

Yet, spending every day trying to be better is a commitment to growth and excellence.



Mustafa Senturk
Operations Research Bit

A software developer and naval architect, eager to develop maintainable high quality, software solutions.