Read this Before You Start Your Next IT Project

A refresher for ethical IT development.

Aarsh Patel
Operations Research Bit
4 min readMar 31, 2024


The steep surge of the digital sector has involved itself in our daily routines. However, with this progress comes the onus of ethical development, assuring technology serves humanity responsibly. Three areas demand constant vigilance from developers.

  1. Bias creeps into algorithms and software unintentionally, reflecting societal prejudices in decision-making processes. Easing this dictates diverse development teams, durable data purification practices, and unceasing supervision for impartial algorithmic learning.
  2. Security breaches pose serious threats, exposing sensitive data and disrupting risky infrastructure. Secure coding practices, tough access controls, and rugged vulnerability testing are determined to safeguard systems and user information.
  3. Privacy concerns escalate as data collection becomes universal. Developers must ensure transparency in data collection and usage, implement strong encryption, and motivate users with control over their personal information through clear and well-defined consent mechanisms.

Bias: Fairness in Algorithmic Design

Algorithmic bias refers to the tendency of algorithms to produce discriminatory or unfair outcomes, often stemming from biased data sets or flawed design choices. For example, facial recognition software trained primarily on Caucasian faces may present lower accuracy when identifying individuals with darker skin tones, perpetuating existing societal inequalities.

To lessen bias, developers can apply various techniques.

Data diversification: Use diverse and representative datasets to train algorithms.

Algorithmic fairness audits: Regularly evaluating algorithms for potential bias and taking corrective measures.

Transparency and explainability: Ensuring algorithms are transparent in their decision-making processes, allowing for human oversight and intervention when necessary.

Security: Protecting Systems and Data

Security concerns in IT development are paramount, as vulnerabilities can expose sensitive user data and disrupt critical systems. Implementing robust security measures throughout the development life-cycle is crucial. These measures can encompass:

  • Secure coding practices by applying well-established coding guidelines and resorting to secure coding tools to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities.
  • Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing by proactively identifying and patching security weaknesses before malicious actors exploit them.
  • For data encryption and access control, implement wholesome encryption methods and granular access controls to safeguard sensitive data.


Patagonia, a renowned outdoor apparel company, represents ethical considerations in IT development. They use recycled materials in their products, prioritize transparency in their supply chain, and advocate for environmental sustainability practices. Additionally, they have implemented security measures to protect customer data and maintain consumer trust.

Patagonia’s reputation as an ethically conscious company extends into the sphere of information technology. Here are some ways their practices exemplify ethical commitments.

  1. Patagonia clearly outlines its data collection and usage policies in a consumer-friendly format. This transparency helps users to make informed decisions about sharing their data. Moreover, Patagonia minimizes the collection of unnecessary personal information and prioritizes secure storage practices to protect user privacy.
  2. Patagonia’s strong attention to viability influences its IT infrastructure choices. They favor energy-efficient data centers, cloud providers with renewable energy commitments, and hardware that focuses on repairability and longevity to minimize environmental impact.
  3. Appreciating the importance of protecting customer data, Patagonia applies robust security mechanisms throughout its IT systems. Regular audits, vulnerability testing, and strict access controls safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information.
  4. Patagonia avoids manipulative or deceptive design patterns in its website and digital interfaces that might nudge users toward behaviors that don’t relate to their interests. Instead, they promote clear communication and give users full control over their data and interactions with the company’s digital platforms.

Protecting Privacy: Respecting User Data

User privacy is a fundamental right in the digital age. Developers must ensure that user data is collected, stored, and used ethically and per relevant regulations. This includes:

Maintaining transparency and informed consent by informing users about how their data is collected, used, and shared, and obtaining explicit consent before proceeding.

Follow data minimization by collecting only the data necessary for the intended purpose and avoiding unnecessary data collection.

Secure data storage and disposal by implementing security measures to safeguard user data and following proper data disposal practices when data retention is no longer required.


The brisk progress in IT has profoundly impacted our lives, mandating a critical examination of the underlying ethical considerations. This discussion has highlighted the role developers and other concerned entities play in dealing with complex issues such as bias, security, and privacy.

By actively addressing these challenges through responsible design practices, tenacious security measures, and a commitment to user data protection, the IT community can develop a more equitable, secure, and trustworthy digital landscape.

Going beyond these principles, handling unfolding challenges like the ethical implications of AI and the impact of technology on well-being will be essential in assuring that technology serves humanity positively and sustainably.

As manifested in Patagonia’s approach, integrating ethical considerations into the very essence of IT development is not simply an option but a responsibility. This commitment not only safeguards users and the environment but also paves the way for a future where technology leads individuals and contributes to a more just and viable world.



Aarsh Patel
Operations Research Bit

Bridging the gap between vision and functionality: building robust solutions at AlphaBI. I wonder about books and philosophy during no-code hours.