Image by Author with Midjourney

Stable Diffusion Decoded

Understanding AI Image Creation with (almost) Zero Jargon.

5 min readJan 12, 2024


Image Generation Model That Creates Images from Text Prompts

Imagine a world where artists might feel threatened because, with a few keystrokes, anyone can create stunning art from thin air — or rather, from the digital ether. This isn’t science fiction; it’s the reality of today’s AI technology. Just last week, I was wrestling with a wireless printer for hours, and now I’m here to talk about how computers can conjure up images of things that don’t even exist. How did we get here?

This article aims to demystify the complex process behind stable diffusion, the cutting-edge method of AI-driven image generation that’s outpacing older technologies like generative adversarial networks (GANs). I’ve stripped away the math to make the concepts accessible while ensuring the information remains accurate. It’s a lot to take in, and you might not grasp everything on the first read, but stick with it. Understanding these concepts is the first step toward diving deeper into the field, should you choose to.

Key Concepts: Convolutional Layers, Self-Attention Layers, and Cross-Attention Layers

Now, let’s talk about neural networks, the backbone of deep learning. There are countless ways neurons can connect, but we’ll focus on two special types of network layers crucial for image generation. The first is the convolutional layer, which excels at handling images by focusing on the relationships between neighboring pixels. This is done using a grid of numbers called a kernel. They work by scanning over an image and identifying patterns and features, such as edges and textures, which are crucial for understanding and recreating complex visuals. Next, we have self-attention layers, which come into play when dealing with text. These layers analyze the relationships between words in a prompt, determining which words are most important and how they relate to each other to convey meaning. Finally, cross-attention layers merge the capabilities of the first two, allowing the model to draw connections between the text and the visual elements it needs to generate. Together, these layers enable Stable Diffusion to interpret a text prompt and translate it into a coherent and often stunning image.

U-Net Architecture: A Fundamental Network Architecture Used in Stable Diffusion for Image Segmentation

The U-Net architecture is a cornerstone of Stable Diffusion’s ability to understand and manipulate images. Originally designed for biomedical image segmentation, U-Net’s structure is both elegant and efficient. It consists of a contracting path that captures context and a symmetric expanding path that enables precise localization. This design allows U-Net to process images at different resolutions, capturing both high-level semantics and fine-grained details. In the context of Stable Diffusion, U-Net serves as the foundation for the model’s understanding of images, enabling it to segment and identify various elements within a visual scene with remarkable accuracy.

Denoising Process: Stable Diffusion Employs a Denoising Process to Generate Images

The denoising process is a clever technique used by Stable Diffusion to create images. It begins with an image that is essentially random noise and then incrementally removes this noise in a controlled manner. With each step, the image becomes clearer and more defined, guided by the text prompt until the final image emerges. This iterative process is akin to an artist refining a sketch into a detailed painting, with the AI carefully adjusting the visual elements until the desired outcome is achieved. The denoising process is not just a one-off event but a series of steps that gradually reveal the image, ensuring that the final result is both accurate to the prompt and visually appealing.

Latent Diffusion Model: An Improved Version of the Basic Diffusion Model That Operates in a Latent Space

The latent diffusion model represents a significant advancement over the basic diffusion model by operating in what’s known as a latent space. This is a compressed representation of the image data, which drastically reduces the amount of information the model needs to process. By working in this reduced space, Stable Diffusion can perform its tasks much more quickly and efficiently, making it feasible to generate high-resolution images without prohibitive computational costs. The latent space acts as a bridge between the raw pixel data and the abstract features that the model manipulates, allowing Stable Diffusion to focus on the essence of the image rather than getting bogged down by the sheer volume of data.

Text Embedding: Stable Diffusion Utilizes Word Embeddings to Convert Text Prompts into Numerical Vectors

Text embedding is a critical component of Stable Diffusion’s ability to understand and interpret text prompts. By converting words into numerical vectors, the model can grasp the semantic meaning and relationships between words. These embeddings capture the nuances of language, allowing the AI to discern subtleties in the prompts that guide the image generation process. For example, the difference between “a sunny day at the beach” and “a stormy day at the beach” is captured in the word embeddings, leading to vastly different visual outputs. This nuanced understanding is what enables Stable Diffusion to generate images that are not just visually accurate but also contextually appropriate.

CLIP Text Model: A Pre-Trained Model That Learns the Relationship Between Images and Their Corresponding Text Captions

The CLIP text model is another piece of the puzzle that enhances Stable Diffusion’s capabilities. Developed by OpenAI, CLIP is trained on a vast dataset of images and their corresponding captions, learning to match text with visuals. When integrated with Stable Diffusion, the CLIP model provides a rich understanding of how text descriptions correlate with image content. This allows the AI to ensure that the generated images align closely with the given text prompts, producing results that are not only visually impressive but also semantically coherent.

Cross-Attention Layers: Bridging the Gap Between Image and Text Features

Cross-attention layers are the conduits through which Stable Diffusion combines the insights gained from image and text analysis. By treating the image as a query and the text as both key and value, these layers allow the model to extract relevant information from the text and apply it to the image generation process. This means that the most important and relevant features in the text can directly influence the visual elements in the image. As a result, the network can generate images that accurately reflect the text prompts, capturing the essence of the described scene or object in a way that feels almost magical.

Conclusion: Stable Diffusion Represents a Breakthrough in AI Image Generation

In essence, convolutional layers learn from images, self-attention layers learn from text, and when combined, they enable the creation of images based on textual descriptions. It’s a complex dance of technology, but at its core, it’s about teaching computers to see and interpret the world in a way that’s remarkably human-like.



I'm a tech innovator who blends iOS and AI to transform lives. My mission? Fuse personal growth with practical solutions for a mindful, optimized world.