Stop Living in Your Head

Your body knows the truth.

Igor Tarasenko
5 min readMar 15, 2024


I used to watch myself eat a whole bag of cookies — a conscious observer to the destruction. My brain knew it was bad, my body was screaming in discomfort, but my hand kept scooping. This wasn’t an isolated incident. It was my pattern. A war between what I thought I should do, and the deeper knowledge my body carried.

The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.

— Oscar Wilde

We all do this, don’t we? Slide through our days on autopilot. Shelves overflowing with sugar bombs, yet those cookies end up in our carts. We justify that late-night scroll session, even though our tired eyes beg for mercy. It’s like we’ve got this internal split — our minds in one place, our bodies somewhere completely different.

The thing is, I’m not alone in this battle. We’ve become a society sleepwalking through our own lives, barely hearing the alarm bells ringing within. We think the consequences can’t find us in our frantic rush. That’s the lie we repeat. The truth? Our bodies aren’t just along for the ride — they’re the meticulous accountants in this game. Every late-night scroll session, every sugar rush, every ignored ache is a line item on our balance sheet. It might not hit crisis mode tomorrow, but we’re all spiraling towards the red.

What drives this madness? Distraction. Our eyes are glued to flashing screens, our ears buzzing with notifications. We’re a culture hooked on instant hits, desperately seeking that dopamine rush to drown out the steady thrum of our own heartbeats.

This disconnect has consequences far beyond bloated waistlines and sluggish afternoons. A society lost in its collective head becomes a flock led astray — easily manipulated and exploited. We’re spoon-fed solutions to problems we didn’t know we had, convinced that our happiness and worth lie in the next purchase, the next like, the next unattainable standard.

Meanwhile, our own innate wisdom is silenced. We’re bombarded with messages that our bodies are flawed, inadequate. The diet industry profits from our insecurities. Big Pharma swoops in, promising a pill for any ache our disconnected minds can invent. Our bodies become the enemy, a never-ending project to micromanage and control, instead of the miraculous allies they were always meant to be.

Enough with the diagnosis. The prescription is simple, though far from easy: we fight back by paying radical attention. Take a moment right now. Close your eyes. Notice the subtle rise and fall of your chest, a tightness in your jaw, your feet pressing firmly into the ground. This isn’t about achieving enlightenment overnight. It’s about small, defiant acts of awareness.

Question your impulses before reaching for that third cup of coffee. Pause before lashing out in anger, and ask yourself what your body is trying to tell you beneath the rage. Choose a nourishing meal not out of obligation, but because you genuinely desire to fuel yourself well.

Don’t underestimate the power of these seemingly mundane choices. Each time you align your actions with what your body truly needs, you’re forging a stronger connection to yourself. You’re saying, “I hear you. I respect you. I’m in this with you.”

This isn’t about deprivation, it’s about conscious enjoyment. Move your body in ways that feel good, not out of punishment. Savor the flavors of whole foods. Find joy in the simple act of preparing a meal for yourself. Experience the world through your senses, not just your intellect.

The mind is everything. What you think you become.

— Buddha

And learn to say no. No to the draining social engagements. No to the mindless scrolling. No to the projects and commitments that suck your energy dry. Your time and presence are precious resources. Guard them fiercely.

Find your tribe. Surround yourself with people who get it. People who prioritize well-being, support your growth, and remind you that you’re not crazy for wanting to feel good in your own skin. Seek out teachers, mentors, and therapists who can guide you on this journey of embodied awareness.

I know this won’t be easy. We’re swimming against the cultural current. We’re bombarded with messages telling us to ignore our bodies — to numb, distract, and override. The diet industry wants us insecure. The pharmaceutical companies want us dependent. And Big Tech wants our eyeballs glued to their screens.

But something within you knows there’s more to life than this. You’re craving authenticity. You want to inhabit your body fully, with joy and without shame. And the beautiful thing is: you can. It’s your birthright.

Don’t wait for a rock-bottom moment, a health crisis, or some grand epiphany. The time to start is now. With this breath, this heartbeat, this single, precious moment. Your body has been waiting for you to come home.

Imagine a world where we all listened deeply to ourselves. Where we moved with intention, nourished ourselves with love, and set boundaries with unwavering clarity. Imagine the collective power, the creativity, and the compassion we could unleash.

It starts with you. It starts with me. One mindful choice at a time. One act of honoring the incredible, resilient vessel that carries us through this life. Your body isn’t the enemy. Your body is the key. And it’s time you stopped ignoring the wisdom it holds.




Igor Tarasenko
Operations Research Bit

I'm a tech innovator who blends iOS and AI to transform lives. My mission? Fuse personal growth with practical solutions for a mindful, optimized world.