Two-Way ANOVA Test

A Complete Beginner’s Guide with R.

Diogo Ribeiro
Operations Research Bit


Image by the author

Statistical analysis is a cornerstone of research, providing the tools necessary to draw meaningful conclusions from data. Among these tools, the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) stands out for its ability to compare means across multiple groups. ANOVA helps researchers determine if the differences in means are statistically significant, guiding us through the intricate process of understanding how various factors influence outcomes in a dataset.

A two-way ANOVA test, a specific type of ANOVA, extends this inquiry by examining the effect of two independent variables (factors) on a dependent variable. Unlike its simpler counterpart, the one-way ANOVA, which assesses the impact of a single factor, the two-way ANOVA dives deeper. It evaluates not just the main effect of each factor on the dependent variable but also how the interaction between these factors affects the outcome. This interaction term is crucial; it can reveal whether the influence of one factor depends on the level of the other factor, offering insights that might be missed in simpler analyses.

The utility of two-way ANOVA is vast and varied. It finds application in fields as diverse as psychology, where it might be used to assess the impact of therapy type and patient gender on treatment outcome, to agriculture, where it could analyze the…

