Understanding the Adam Optimizer: A Friendly Introduction

Training machine learning models can be quite a journey, and just like any journey, having the right tools can make all the difference.

Andrii Shatokhin
Operations Research Bit
4 min readJul 19, 2024


One of the most popular and effective tools in the machine learning toolbox is the Adam optimizer. But what makes Adam so special? Let’s dive in and find out!

What is the Adam optimizer?

Adam (short for Adaptive Moment Estimation) is a smart optimization algorithm that helps your machine learning models learn more effectively. Think of it as a personalized tutor for each part of your model, ensuring every parameter gets the right amount of help to improve.

What Do We Mean by “Parameter” in the Model?

In the context of machine learning models, a “parameter” typically refers to the weights and biases that the model learns during training.

  • Weights: These are the connections between neurons in neural networks. Each connection has a weight that gets updated during training.
  • Biases: These are additional parameters in neural networks that get added to the weighted sum of inputs to neurons, allowing the model to fit the data better.

So, How Does Adam Work?

Adam adjusts the learning pace for each parameter in your model individually, which makes it different from traditional methods that treat all parameters the same. Here’s a simple breakdown of how it works:

1. Personalized Learning:

  • Imagine each parameter in your model as a student. Adam gives each student a customized study plan based on how well they’ve been learning. If a student is struggling, Adam helps them more. If they’re doing well, Adam lets them go faster.

2. Two Key Ingredients:

  • Mean (First Moment): Adam keeps track of the average direction in which each parameter should move.
  • Variance (Second Moment): It also monitors how much the parameter updates are spreading out, indicating how uncertain we are about the direction.

3. Smooth and Stable Learning:

  • By considering both the mean and variance, Adam ensures that the learning process is smooth and stable.
  • This helps prevent big jumps or slowdowns in learning, making the training process more efficient.

Does Adam Use More Memory and Time?

Yes, Adam uses more memory and computational resources compared to simpler optimization algorithms like SGD (Stochastic Gradient Descent). Here’s why:

1. Memory Usage:

  • First Moment (Mean): Adam keeps track of the moving average of the gradients (mean) for each parameter.
  • Second Moment (Variance): Adam also keeps track of the moving average of the squared gradients (variance) for each parameter.

This means Adam needs to store additional information for each parameter (weights and biases), effectively doubling the memory requirement compared to methods that don’t track these moments.

2. Computational Time:

  • Extra Calculations: Adam involves additional calculations to update the first and second moments, and to apply bias corrections. These extra steps mean Adam takes slightly more computation time per update compared to simpler methods like SGD.

However, the efficiency of Adam often offsets this extra time because it typically converges faster to an optimal solution, reducing the overall number of updates needed.

Why Is This Trade-Off Worth It?

Despite the increased memory and computational requirements, Adam is often preferred because:

  • Faster Convergence: Adam usually reaches an optimal or near-optimal solution faster than other methods, which can save time overall.
  • Better Handling of Sparse Data: In scenarios with sparse gradients (like text data in NLP tasks), Adam’s adaptive learning rate is highly beneficial.
  • Less Hyperparameter Tuning: Adam generally requires less manual tuning of learning rates and other hyperparameters, making it easier to use.

Why is Adam Special?

Adam stands out because it combines the best ideas from other optimization methods and adds its own smart adjustments. Here’s why it’s particularly useful:

  • Handles Big Models Well: Adam’s personalized approach works great with large and complex models, where different parts might learn at different rates.
  • Great for Sparse Data: In tasks like text analysis, where some features appear infrequently, Adam ensures that even these rarely updated parameters get the right amount of attention.

Comparing Adam to Other Methods:

To understand why Adam is a favorite, let’s see how it compares to other optimization methods:

  • SGD (Stochastic Gradient Descent): Moves all parameters at the same pace, like giving all students the same study plan, which isn’t very effective for diverse learners.
  • AdaGrad: Adjusts the learning pace based on how often updates happen but can slow down too much over time.
  • RMSProp: Adjusts the pace based on recent changes but doesn’t personalize as well as Adam.


Adam is like having a personalized tutor for each parameter in your model, making the learning process more efficient and balanced. Its ability to adapt the learning rate dynamically for each parameter makes it particularly suitable for large-scale and sparse data problems.

Stay tuned for our next post, where we’ll dive into the code, show how to implement Adam from scratch and compare its performance with other optimizers.


[1] Kingma, D. P., & Ba, J. (2014). Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization. arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.6980.



Andrii Shatokhin
Operations Research Bit

Data Scientist with a strong foundation in AI and data analytics. Follow my journey and explore trends in the AI field