Fair Value Portfolio Hedging for a Bank

Minimizing Interest Rate Risk with Python.

Diogo Ribeiro
Operations Research


Photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash

Operational Research (OR) has long been recognized as a cornerstone in the domain of finance, offering powerful tools and methodologies for navigating the complexities of financial markets and investment strategies. At its core, OR employs mathematical models, statistical analyses, and optimization techniques to solve problems related to decision-making and resource allocation, making it indispensable for financial institutions aiming to maximize returns, minimize risk, and enhance operational efficiency.

Portfolio optimization stands as a critical application of OR in finance, focusing on the selection of the optimal mix of assets and derivatives to achieve desired financial objectives. This process involves balancing the trade-off between risk and return, taking into consideration factors such as market volatility, correlation between assets, and the investor’s risk tolerance. By leveraging OR techniques, financial analysts can construct diversified portfolios that are optimized to reduce risk while aiming for maximum returns.

One of the nuanced applications of OR in finance is in the hedging of loan portfolios against interest rate risk. Banks and financial institutions are continually exposed to the risk of fluctuating interest rates, which can…

