GIS as The Future of Location Intelligence: Using Data and Analytics to Solve Complex Location-Based Problems

GIS is changing the way we make decisions. By using GIS, decision-makers can make decisions that lead to improved outcomes, solve problems more effectively, and create a more efficient and sustainable world.

ORB, Operations Research Bit
Operations Research


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Geographic information systems (GIS) are computer-based systems that are used to collect, manage, and analyze geographic data for mapping and analyzing things that exist and events that happen on Earth. GIS can be used to solve a wide range of problems, including:

  • Location optimization: GIS can be used to optimize the location of facilities, such as warehouses, distribution centers, hospitals and retail stores. OR methods can be used to develop and evaluate different location planning scenarios. This can help businesses to reduce costs and improve customer service.
  • Routing and scheduling: GIS can be used to route and schedule vehicles for tasks such as delivery, transportation, and maintenance. GIS can be used to develop and optimize routes for vehicles, such as delivery trucks and emergency vehicles. OR methods can be used to solve complex routing problems, such as the…



ORB, Operations Research Bit
Operations Research

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