and seedz

The Audience Guide to BEES.Social

Your very own live-streamed crowd-voting version of “Shark Tank” and “American Idol” where you can win.

ruminations on crypto
3 min readDec 27, 2020


If you want to allocate your Seedz capital to a potential cryptocurrency project on BEES.Social, this is for you. If you want to be one of those projects, make your way over to BEES.Social and fill out an application there.

Now that we know this is where you want to be — let's get down to business.

If you don’t know what a “cryptocurrency project” is here is one author’s definition of it. A cryptocurrency project (we’ll call it “Project” from now on) is an organization (for-profit or non-profit) that will use the tokens it has yielded (or minted already) to grow its already operating endeavors.

Note the use of “already operating endeavors.” That phrase was laid in there on purpose. This is not a place where Projects come to “find themselves,” this is a place where operating projects — that don’t need startup support — come to accelerate their growth.

The Projects come to BEES.Social because it's a “crowd” of early adopters who — if they gain an affinity for the Project — will not only vote for them and allocate Seedz to them, they will become early adopters and fans of that Project and serve as an army of…



Vince Wicker
ruminations on crypto

Dad, husband, consultant, disruptor — huge fan of smart solutions to hard problems, supply chain awesomeness & blockchain efficiency