Finding Virtual Learning Success

How-To Lessons from A Teacher Mom

Katie Kastner | Marketing & Mindset


This has been an unprecedented year in almost every way. We have had to very quickly adapt to new ways of doing things and a huge piece of that for a lot of families has been, and will be, a move to virtual/remote learning.

Photo by Deleece Cook on Unsplash

As a teacher and mom of two kids now learning from home, I want to share with you what I’ve learned, from both of my perspectives, and hopefully help you set up and plan for the best possible virtual learning experience. But before I go into my list, I want to say above everything else: This school year patience, understanding and flexibility are going to be of utmost importance. For the teachers, administrators, students and ourselves.

Here is what I have found to be the most helpful for both at home learners and parents:

Set Yourself Up For Success

Photo by Michael Soledad on Unsplash

Just like in a traditional classroom, the space in which kids learn can greatly impact HOW they learn.

I realized all too quickly back in the spring that doing school work at the kitchen table, in the center of all household activities, with her brother…



Katie Kastner | Marketing & Mindset

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