
Fifteen Reasons Most Men Can’t Handle a Strong, Independent Woman

It’s us on whom you stand, It’s us on whom you achieve; It’s us on whom you rely, but It’s also us whom you deny

The Opinioc Team
Published in
5 min readJul 24, 2020


By Riya Handa

It’s easy to spot an independent, strong woman walking down the street. We hold our head a little higher and have an unavoidable vibe that one can’t ignore!

There are women who have been successful in their ventures while a few others still wait for their chances of success. So, what separates these two from each other? Where lays their strengths and weaknesses? What defines their happy lives and unhappy ones?

The bric-a-brac of reflections on women does give us insights about the dichotomy existing in their lives and that provides us the adumbration of facts differentiating the independent women from others. From becoming social media behemoths to their roles at homes, independent women have carved every niche for themselves using their pyrotechnics in every field. We do admire their comfortable life of haute couture. They do have the potential to obliterate every social stigma faltering their ladders of success.

So, off-chance, if you are looking to kick-start and take your life to the next…



The Opinioc Team

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