
The Name is SHE

We keep deliberating about gender equality, women empowerment but on the contrary, we have reduced them into images of commodification

The Opinioc Team
Published in
4 min readJul 22, 2020


By Jannat Malik

“If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman” — Margaret Thatcher

Among all the creations on earth, we the human beings, hold our stake at the top because we are bestowed with the highest of the psyche; for we are characterized by the ability to think. We debate, present the best of our arguments forth to the best of our understanding in any matter whatsoever. We make use of myriad platforms, which socialize us, hence reflect our consciousness regarding multiple issues prevailing in our society. The social network holds a dominant footing ubiquitously, thus unraveling the number of grim cases that previously used to be draped under the garb of misogyny and prejudice.

More importantly, women themselves are coming forward now and then, whenever they feel victimized by the stereotypes and inequalities existing in our society. Yet there are instances where women feel marginalized and discriminated by a certain section of society. There have been many recent and past cases where these stereotypes have belittled the strong and…



The Opinioc Team

A platform with a multitude of themes for artists, and a one-stop solution catering to the needs of the present generation business.