AI — & Further Surveillance

Praveen Gorla
Opinion and Predictions
3 min readFeb 3, 2019

2019 will be [an year of] revolution, 2020 will be [an year of] its implementation and 2022 will be [an year of] its affect.

1. 2020-2021, is a full-pledge year for AI. AI is available in almost all the domains.2. By 2022, AI will be as a base system and available as a framework in most of the domains. Applications can be directly built on it without actually knowing about AI engineering. It is just available as a programming language with its own compiler. More clearly, it is just available as a single programmed function for each domain, and as a Content Management Systems.

3. By 2022, A Big giant camera will start consistent and continues watching each & every corner on the earth from the space with clear High Definition imaging, even if you are hiding under the walls or under the ground.
4. Google as of now can accurately know where and when you had physical intimacy with your partner including the periodic timestamp, and by 2025 it can determine your activity in HD. And the other such as Facebook, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft follows the same with their own products.5. Based on (4) and keeping in the view of population, Governments may mandate your activity to the limited number of times and even impose fine if exceed.6. With the advancement and Implementation of AI in Software Defined Networks(SDNs), simply the Internet, the raise for privacy concerns increases in multiples with ease of implementation of individual censorship.Individual censorship is censorship based on individual behavioural aspects and by predicting the future actions of an individual. This censorship differs from person to person within the same locality or region. Ex: A student of an Institute is censored to access Bio-Technology research papers whereas the other student in the same Institute has access to it.
This example may not deal in depth about individual censorship that is based on behaviour, but it helps us in visualizing the danger of a system when included with behavioural analysis.
Further, this combination while using future intelligent networks is an easy process for devastation, for individual and then to larger community!----------------------------------------------------------------------Medical Industry grows in a way to induce a genetically modified characteristic directly into the fetus or even before it, to directly produce the industry accepted[Standard] humans! - Humans, those who tend to works for corporates, accept Surveillance economy without having a second thought! - Thoughts about privacy, Life and economy. This favour the corporates than the human itself, it increases the economy of the capitalists making the newborn babies on a par equal with the robots. Yes! as robots but with natural ability.--------------------------------------------------------------------
In short term the technologies that are largely controlled by the Monopoly corporations seems to favor something, but the ground truth is that in the long term they hinder us more than that something! So enable the technologies that are build by society, for society.

References : Opinions based on Past, Present and Future Research on Artificial Intelligence [AI], Surveillance Capitalism[SC] and Surveillance Economy[SE] . Connect the dots AI, SC and SE.

This article is updated when and when needed, it purely reflects my thoughts and are not always considered to be in scale with scientific (& Technological)research.

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License



Praveen Gorla
Opinion and Predictions

Ph.D. Graduate, Network & Computational Researcher. Free Software as Commons