Life, Economy and Influence

Praveen Gorla
Opinion and Predictions
4 min readJan 12, 2019

Many times I used to think myself, I used to question myself but, finally end up answering myself differently. During the course of my journey, I understood that words are more powerful and their writings have compelling impact . So, I prefer not only to code but also to write to the world about the hardness of the truth that I believe.

As a human, I studied Technology to make myself better with it, I studied Psychology to understand the relations, I studied Philosophy to understand the life, but, somehow the reason that made me write this makes me believe that I couldn’t understand much of myself and the associated environment during my past.

Life, Economy and Influence — avatar

Understanding the combination of both, Psychology and Philosophy made me think beyond what usually I think being as a normal [human]. Human Psychology and their interaction with the Philosophy of the Technology is ruling the world while Technology has an upper hand. Of all, I understood that the most complicated relationship is a mutual relation between Men and Women. Most of the people do believe that Men and Women will be as the best friends forever from the start of their schooling (or College/University), even though they get carried away by their own life. But, it’s not true, they may be as friends forever but not as best friends. Men and Women tend to develop feelings, emotions and intimacy after a certain long period of their friendship because we as a human has a natural capability to develop Cognitive desires with opposite sex [ also with same-sex ] whom we desire about. So, they start being as friends, and then best friends but finally, they may end up being in intimacy [Love, Sex, and/or as married couples] or start being as strangers while getting carried away by their way of life.

Many of the modern living beings think that technology shapes us but, its not what actually it is, its the philosophy of the technology that shapes our modern thinking and our habits. According to psychological research, only 12 % of our actions are defined by ourselves, rest of 88% of the actions are influenced by the philosophy of the external world. That means an average human being lives his way of life for about 8.6 Years [ including childhood, when the average life expectancy of the world is 71.5 years as per 2014]. Which means that electing you parliamentarian candidate through your Right to Vote is a 100% external influence. We are left to have been influenced from the start of our birth, and even while we are in fetus in coming days!.

When the fundamental base is a pseudo-fact, it’s hard to prove the falseness of its principles and progressed state, even in the context of Science, Economy, Beliefs and Culture. When we build something or do some research, the correctness of it depends upon its preceding research which in turn depends on its preceding. But when the gap between current advanced research and the fundamental research is far-reaching (in terms of time, research quantity and complexity), we often use preceding research to testify the correctness of current research than the far most preceding research(a.k.a fundamental research). So, When Economic policies are built on pseudo-Economic principles and ethics, morals & the cultural ideologies are built on pseudo fundamental beliefs they can never (be proven to) be false.

In India, foreign influence started long back but the influence on people mainly occurred in 90’s when India opened its doors for foreign FDI paving an easy way for foreign corporate to infiltrate Indians psychology. Most of us think that we, the Indians, bagged the Miss Universe and the Miss world at that time. But, it’s not because of our ability that we won them but, it’s because of they [ foreign corporate] intend for it, to influence, to capture, to penetrate and to exploit the largest democracy in the world, in the name of western culture which led to capitalistic economy. This paved an easy way for multinational companies to dump their beauty products into the Indian market while attracting and influencing the people with their advertisements showing Bollywood actress, Miss world from India at that time. This has created marginalization of skin color which influenced and increased ones own desire to be as a whitish, and the rest remains humiliated (a soft humiliation). Of-course this is just a droplet of water in a sea to say to what extent countries are being influenced by other.

As an Under Graduate student, I started my journey with discrimination. But all the days are not bitter, as expected, some are golden providing an opportunity for being as a Team Leader to lead the professional group, and some days are even more enjoyable as an entrepreneur and co-founder of a startup. I do taste the flavor of friendship, love and hate. I am a good and also bad as student, I organized events but somehow failed in organizing much of my thoughts. After four years of this journey, some friends stood together but as strangers and some friends are far away but stood connected.

As a community member, I started contributing to community-based projects. I strongly support “Code for Community not for corporate”.

Note: Expect continuos updates for this article on timely basis. Check back again!



Praveen Gorla
Opinion and Predictions

Ph.D. Graduate, Network & Computational Researcher. Free Software as Commons