Chidiebele Samuel
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2018

The surgery was a complex brain surgery on a 28 year old man. It lasted for more than 10 hours and the patient is expected to make a full recovery. After taking the patient to the recovery room, Dr Abel (together with the lead surgeon) briefed the relatives on outcome of the surgery and how his treatment will proceed from here. Following this, Dr Abel immediately set off towards the changing room in preparation for the trip back to the city which is thirty minutes drive from the hospital.

The time was 8.30 pm and he needed to be home today as his wife who was heavily pregnant called earlier to complain of dull abdominal pain. Also the nanny taking care of their 3 year old baby has gone home for the day.

Moreover, he also has some big surgeries tomorrow for which he is incharge. He needs to go home and be refreshed for the cases tomorrow. Dr Abel bid his colleagues goodnight and proceeded to his car to begin the journey back home.

The road was still relatively busy and he overtook some cars on the way. He needed to meet up with the mall before it closes to get some Pastries and cooking oil for domestic use. As he approached the last check point before the city, he knew he was almost home. He spent some fifteen minutes on the police check point. Following some inspection by, the gun carrying, policemen, he was allowed to move on to the city. “No more hinderance”, he said to himself as he drove into the city. “He will soon be in the mall in 10 minutes”

Then suddenly out of nowhere, a car came onto the road. He reflexively applied brakes in a bid to stop both vehicles from colliding together. Almost immediately, he heard some shots-“Bang”! “Bang”!

Startled, he could feel his car go down a bit. A group of men swarmed towards his car, guns pointed to him. “Open your door”! They commanded. “Get out of the car”! All these were happening rapidly and within minutes he was being dragged into another car packed by the side of the road.

Following the initial slow response, his brain kicked into overdrive and he started struggling in an attempt to resist the drag.

“Keep quiet” a voice roared beside him and with that a knock on the head followed with the butt of a gun and he blacked out.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental


Dedicated to all doctors who sacrifice all to take care of their patients. As Sylvia Mathews Burwell once said “ Day after Day,ordinary people become heroes through extraordinary and selfless actions to help their neighbours”



Chidiebele Samuel

…writes to highlight challenges encountered in health, public policies and politics in Nigeria and Africa.Contact at mastercsp09@gmail.com