Announcing Opium Builder Bounty Program

Earn Opium tokens by contributing to Opium Network, either through fulfilling bounties or proposing new initiatives!

Ali Nuraldin
3 min readFeb 12, 2021


Key points

  • A developer bounty program is launched, powered by Opium governance and the $OPIUM governance token.
  • The program is focussed on further development of the Opium Network whilst distributing $OPIUM governance tokens to the builders in the Opium community.
  • Independent builders (developers, designers, data scientists and more!) can fulfill outstanding bounties and earn $OPIUM tokens, or propose new bounties.
  • Use the brand-new “Build on Opium” section of the Opium Governance Forum to get started!

What is a Builder Bounty Program?

One of our core beliefs is that DeFi stands for open innovation and development. Ever since the beginning we have open-sourced Opium Protocol so other teams could build on top of it, or use components in other projects. Today we’re announcing another important step in enabling and incentivising open innovation on top of Opium Protocol.

The Builder Bounty Program is a governance-based program where external and independent builders (developers, designers, data scientists, visual designers and more!) can contribute to further building out Opium Network and share the project’s success by earning $OPIUM governance tokens.

The program is inspired by other programs in the space, most notably UMA and their developer mining initiative. Kudos to Hart, Clayton and team!

How it works

The Opium Builder Bounty Program is based on the Opium Governance process, which involves proposals and signal voting by $OPIUM token holders.

We’ve created a dedicated “Build on Opium” section on the Opium Governance forum, where builders can find outstanding proposals for bounties and discuss them using the commenting feature of the forum.

Bounty proposals will be subject to signal voting before the work starts. Once accepted, the builder can start working and provide proof/share results once the work has been completed. The payout of $OPIUM tokens as a reward is done when governance votes the bounty as completed. The funds will originate from the Active Users fund.

Pre-existing bounties

Based on our current roadmap, backlog, and trends we see in DeFi today, Opium Team has proposed an initial set of bounties which can be fulfilled by independent builders.

The initial set of bounties include the following:

  • New financial contracts built on Opium Protocol, offered via Opium Exchange or Opium Finance (can be based on anything — be creative and convince Opium Governance of your idea!)
  • New and independent products built on Opium Protocol
  • Technical documentation for Opium libraries
  • A trading bot for Opium Exchange and/or Opium Finance
  • Integrations with yield aggregators (eg. Alpha Homora, Yearn, Pickle, Harvest, APY.Finance. etc.)
  • UI/UX improvements (need to be holistic)
  • Efficiency and/or security improvements to our smart contracts

The Opium Builder Bounty Program is focussed on further development of the Opium Network whilst distributing governance tokens to builders in our community.

Bounty template for new ideas

Do you have an idea for Opium Network? Something that should be built or developed? Perhaps you want to build this yourself? Create a new bounty proposal using the provided template! The proposal should be convincing and sufficiently detailed for $OPIUM token holders to vote on.

The template includes the following sections:

  • Title starting with: Builder bounty
  • Short summary of proposal
  • Rationale of why and how this initiative will benefit the Opium Ecosystem
  • Success metrics (for projects that can be evaluated quantitatively) or detailed definition-of-done (for projects that cannot be evaluated quantitatively)
  • FOR/AGAINST public poll, with visible voting results. This is required for creating a signalling vote later.

Get started!

Navigate to the Opium Governance Forum go through the resources we shared for getting started. Use this post and the included template to create a proposal for your new idea or one focussed on the existing ideas we shared earlier in this post. Good luck!

