Opium Team monthly update — April 2020

Anastasia Korchagina
Published in
4 min readMay 4, 2020

Swap Rate is the biggest fixed rate tool in DeFi, integration with Aave, The Art Exchange and more…

Here are the freshest updates from Opium.Team. We got here: Swap Rate, Integration with Aave, DeFi Swap Rates, Updated Calculator, public SDK and API, The Art Exchange, The Graph, and some more.

Swap Rate

The epoch of Interest Rate Swaps has been started!
We are happy to confirm that the total nominal of swaps on Swap Rate is moving and now reached 38k, and that makes Swap Rate the largest fixed-rate tool in DeFi.
However, we see this as the initial demand and expect active growth.
We are working on the better UX, integration of several market makers, and new products.

Interestingly, there are periods with a lot of trades when the curve is “too attractive.” Because there were few initial users, active trading happened only when the swap curve deviated a lot from “expectations.” With every new user, we have exponentially more liquidity.

Read about how interest rate swaps work

We are happy to confirm that the total nominal of swaps on Swap Rate is moving and now reached 38k, and that makes Swap Rate the largest fixed-rate tool in DeFi.


Swap Rate has been integrated with awesome Aave protocol. Now our users can fix their interest rate on Aave deposits and loans

More integrations are coming! What next project do you want to see on Swap Rate? Let us know.

New features demanded by our users are here

DeFi Swap Rates

Our users wanted to see the orderbook on Swap Rate, we decided to start by giving you the ability to check current DeFi Swap Rates.

Check it out on Swap Rate. It’s not the final version, but it’s a good start. Your feedback always helps.

DeFi Swap Rates

Brand-new calculator

Have you seen our old version? The calculator allows you to find your best strategy for the interest rate bets.

We updated Swap Rate calculator and now you can access it from the main screen. Check it out on Swap Rate, it is quite convenient!

Swap rate calculator: find your strategy

Stuff for developers

Swap Rate SDK and API now available

Smooth implementation of market-making, trading, and hedging strategies with automated bots. Also, everyone can now integrate interest rate swaps into existing projects.

Our release includes

Read more in our article: Swap Rate SDK/API are available now

Opium Protocol on The Graph

We implemented GraphQL subgraph with realtime data from Opium Protocol to make our systems more robust and reliable. Also, it helps developers to easily understand Opium Protocol and integrate it into their projects.

The Graph team pinned our subgraph to the main page of the explorer.

Check out Mainnet and Rinkeby subgraphs of Opium Protocol.

Coming soon


At the end of April, we announced our new product — Opium.Exchange. It is coming next days with very interesting derivatives that were asked by our users.

  • Opium Exchange is a non-custodial platform for decentralized derivatives
  • Trade, hedge, or invest without intermediaries
  • Audited by SmartDec
  • High-speed orders on meta-transactions are combined with on-chain settlement
  • Marginal trades: from regular margin to turbo trades

The Art Exchange

In our new project The Art Exchange we have completed the first stage of the project, so-called Oracles. This sustainable tool will enable us to transfer prices of selected artwork to blockchain.


You can have a look at the transferred prices at price.theart.exchange.

We started working on the derivatives platform as well as a mobile app to manage your account and transaction. We aim to deliver this stage before the June auctions. Read more at theart.exchange

Articles for pillow talks

Stay tuned! Follow Opium.Team on Twitter and join our group in Telegram.

