How The Employment Commons Board of Stewards Are Making Decisions & Why It’s Time to Switch to Opolis for Open Enrollment

The newest episode of Opolis Public Radio is now available on YouTube and wherever you listen to podcasts.

Nov 16, 2020


On Opolis Public Radio (OPR), we dig into platform cooperativism, governance of the Employment Commons, and the Opolis Rewards Program and upcoming token launch.



Speaker: Barry Goers is a partner with Merkle Mountain, a blockchain consulting firm based in Boulder, CO. Barry was an early adopter of bitcoin and a big proponent of blockchain technology. He successfully invested in the creation of Ethereum, Antshares (now Neo), and many other notable blockchain projects. He is on the Opolis Employment Commons Board of Stewards, and is a former professional hockey player.

About Opolis: Opolis is the next generation employment ecosystem for the self-sovereign worker. With Opolis, freelancers and gig workers everywhere have access to the same health benefits, life and disability insurance, and other services that only corporate employees have had access to traditionally. Learn more at

Opolis Public Radio is biweekly. Tune into our next LIVE episode on November 25th by adding an invitation to your calendar.

