How to Join the Coalition

Joshua Lapidus
Published in
5 min readJun 22, 2021

Welcome to the Guide on how to join the Opolis Employment Commons, a digital cooperative supporting self-sovereign workers.

Please note: The first round of the Coalition Referrals Competition ended on May 31st at midnight. You can read more about it here (when published).

The Opolis Coalition to support the self-sovereign worker has grown tremendously since its inception just a few months ago. We’ve onboarded scores of organizations and over 3000 individuals, and this past month was just the beginning.

You’re on this page because you’ve just learned about the coalition and need step-by-step help joining. Please read this guide BEFORE heading to the onboarding wizard, because if you click the wrong button, you’re going to get stuck.

As a thank you for joining the Coalition during the first month of onboarding, you’ll receive 250 $WORK tokens that you’ll be able to stake right there in your dashboard.

If at any point you have any questions, you’re welcome to ping us in the support channel of our discord, where one of our Membership/Community Stewards are more than happy to help you.

Let’s Begin the Clickthrough:

Please note that you must click the correct button THE FIRST TIME because changing your choice is a huge fucking pain in more than 3 asses.

There are two types of Memberships in the Cooperative:

Please select “Coalition Member”
  1. Employee Members are independent workers actively co-employed through the ecosystem. Right now, all Employee Members work in the United States.
  2. Coalition Members provide new Member referrals, technology and/or services to the Commons. Coalition Members can be anywhere in the world!

In this guide, we’ll be walking through how to join the Cooperative as a Coalition Member — NOT as an Employee Member.

After you click Coalition Member, you will be brought to a second screen to choose which type of Coalition Membership is right for you.

  1. Organizations, DAOs, Collectives, Companies, DeFi Protocols, etc join the Coalition to signal support for self-sovereign workers, integrate into the tech stack, and earn $WORK for referring Employee Members.
  2. Individuals join the Coalition to signal support for self-sovereign workers, earn $WORK for referring Employee Members, and can stake $WORK to earn more $WORK.

If you are registering on behalf of an organization, you will select “An Organization.”

99% of the people reading this should select “An Individual.”

Individual Coalition Membership Section

There are three short steps to fill out to join the Coalition:

  1. Input your Personal Information
  2. Review some Legal Information
  3. Complete your purchase of 1 share of the Employment Commons, LCA (price = $20).

Please provide your first name, last name, Country of Residence, and select the Individual or Organization(s) that led you to join the Coalition. You can choose all of the organizations with whom you’re affiliated, some of them, or just one of them.

These organizations are competing in a high-stakes referral game to earn $WORK for their respective communities. You can see the full spreadsheet here.

You can also select “Other” to input the name or email of someone who is not listed in the drop-down menu. Email is PREFERABLE because if you submit a name we don’t recognize we won’t be able to contact them to award them for your referral.

The next section is the Legal Stuff

Please take some time to read through the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Coalition Membership Agreement, and the Employment Commons, LCA Bylaws.

After you’ve read through the legal stuff, you’ll have to “Agree & Continue” before clicking being able to click “Next”

The final section is buying 1 share of the Employment Commons, LCA

You can complete this payment via crypto or fiat.

The USD option is a simple credit/debit card submission form.

There are multiple cryptocurrency options to complete your acquisition.

You can select the “Pay with Coinbase” option if you have Coinbase. If you’d prefer to just send $20 worth of Bitcoin, Ether, USDC, or DAI, you can click the your desired crypto and follow the instructions.

If you select Coinbase, it will ask you to log in with Coinbase to proceed.

There is not a ticking clock, but please complete this transaction quickly if you chose Bitcoin or Ether, because $20 in these non-stable assets will not stay the same forever and it will time you out of the transaction.

USDC should always be exactly 20 USDC, but DAI is sometimes off peg, so may be slightly more or slightly less than 20 DAI. No refunds or price adjustments will be issued due to crypto prices.

PLEASE ONLY SEND Ether, USDC, and/or DAI from the ETHEREUM MAINNET. If you send from BSC, xDAI, Polygon, FTM, or any other RPC, your transaction will not be completed and you will not successfully acquire 1 share of the LCA or receive your $WORK.

Coalition Organization Membership Section

The organization sign-up is almost identical to the form above, but doesn’t ask for the referral. If, as an organization you would like to assign credit for your referral please email from the email address you used to create your account.

Congratulations on making it through the How-To Guide on joining the Coalition. We’re thrilled that you have decided to join the cooperative and support self-sovereign workers. As the end of the onboarding flow, there is an option to Tweet that you joined the Employment Commons — we appreciate your support!

Here are the links to all our other content:



Joshua Lapidus
Editor for

Founding Steward of @Opolis @SporkDAO | PNoun 1 Co-Founder @Rainbow_Rolls @PublicNouns #BufficornBUIDLBrigade | Staff Comedy Writer @TheRugNews