Opolis and Fortmatic Partner to Integrate Web3 Identity Authentication Into the Opolis Employment Commons

Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2019

Today Opolis is excited to announce that we have partnered with Fortmatic to create the world’s first employment ecosystem utilizing web3 identity authentication. The partnership will allow Opolis members to easily access their employment accounts with their email or phone number and have their identity authenticated through Fortmatic on the Ethereum blockchain.

Features of Opolis’ Fortmatic Integration
Through membership with one of Opolis’ Guilds, or Decentralized Employment Organizations (DEOs), freelancers, creatives, consultants and gig workers can access the same high quality benefits and services as full-time workers while remaining independent. Opolis will offer health insurance, cryptocurrency and traditional retirement plans, tax compliance automation and more to Guild members. Through the Fortmatic collaboration, Opolis will also offer Guild members the ability to:

  • Onboard the Opolis employment ecosystem easily with an email or phone number;
  • Securely connect to Opolis’ platform through Fortmatic’s identity (ID) authentication;
  • Stake Opolis DEO membership using an authenticated identity;
  • Create and access a Fortmatic wallet for token storage and trading;
  • Connect with other web3 dapps utilizing a Fortmatic ID.

Opolis members will have the option to use Fortmatic’s web3 integration; the alternative is creating a traditional web2 username and password for account access.

Our team is excited to be able to offer these services. As Opolis founder John Paller said recently about this announcement, “Opolis is building the most powerful collaboration of web3 technologies ever assembled. Fortmatic has a world-class team and has the user-friendly experience we need to onboard everyday people into the future of employment.”

When Can I Become a Guild Member?
Opolis is currently giving away one year of free Opolis services to 10 winners and one year of free healthcare to 1 grand prize winner for those who sign-up to learn more by November 30, 2019. Opolis’ soft launch is currently in progress with select freelancers, and the company plans to open guild membership offerings to the public soon. Anyone self-employed is encouraged to sign-up for notifications on the company’s wider launch by joining Opolis’ mailing list on their website.

Still want to learn more? Read our Off-White Paper for free here.

About Opolis
Opolis is building a next generation employment ecosystem for the self-sovereign worker. A technological and legal framework which is user-driven and network-based and operates as a public utility infrastructure for employment. With Opolis, users are able to become members of Decentralized Employment Organizations (DEOs) where they can access group benefits and other services together. This ecosystem, which Opolis calls The Employment Commons, allows freelancers and gig workers everywhere to access the same health benefits, life and disability insurance, and other services that only corporate employees have had access to traditionally. Visit opolis.co.

About Fortmatic
Fortmatic is bringing the best parts of web3 blockchain technology to mainstream users of web2 by enabling authenticity in the digital world and bringing control and privacy back into the hands of netizens. Users will be able to seamlessly interact directly with blockchain applications that integrated with Fortmatic’s authentication SDK, using familiar methods such as email and phone, instead of having to rely on third party browser extensions or installations. Visit fortmatic.com.

