$WORK tips with CollabLand

Bill Warren
Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2022

The Opolis team is pleased to announce that $WORK holders can now tip each other in our Discord with the CollabLand bot. All you have to do is add some $WORK to the bot and let the tips fly!


The #WorkForce is growing and it’s essential that current members are incentivized to support this growth. Referral rewards are there to incentivize getting your friends and neighbors to join. Now tipping is here to incentivize you to help newbies with questions in our Discord. Our hope is that, as current members help each other and new members, they will be able to receive $WORK tips for the service. We believe this will strengthen our community and create strong incentives for member-to-member benevolence.

Get it Working

Getting onboarded to CollabLand tipping is pretty easy. Here are the steps and a few pictures to help.

Startup the bot: This can be done by going to the #CollabLand-Join channel and clicking on “Let’s Go.”

Connect your Wallet: From there you’ll be taken to a screen where you can connect either your MetaMask wallet (recommended) or your Magic Wallet.

Hit “Connect Wallet” to see the Options
MetaMask is preferred, but, if you scroll down, you’ll see a Magic option

Add $Work to the Bot: You can click on the CollabLand Bot in Discord to open up a DM where the commands for adding $WORK are: Deposit 137. This will then provide instructions re: a wallet where you should send the $WORK you want to use for tipping and the wallet form which the $WORK needs to be sent to properly be credited to you.

Note you need to send $WORK from the deposit address to the address above

Check your $Work: You can confirm you have $WORK to use for tipping by using the commandL !balance.

You should see a balance of $WORK

Start Giving out $WORK: Once you have a balance, tipping is pretty easy! Just use the command: !tip @username {number} WORK.

After that it’ll send that $WORK to the other person on our server. You’ll need to make sure that the recipient has also activated $WORK tipping.

Get to tipping

Wrapping it up

If you need any additional help or have questions. Try the !Help command or go to CollabLand’s support page.

We’re excited to roll out this feature and plan on further developing our CollabLand bot integration to support some additional cool, new features in the future. We’d love to hear any ideas regarding how you think we could use the CollabLand bot and how we could improve the tipping experience.



Bill Warren
Editor for

Product & Tech at Opolis. Previously, building DAOs that DeFi as co-founder of Peeps Democracy (acquired).