October Porto Tech & Creative Events

Marco Oliveira
Published in
8 min readOct 1, 2019

Summer is gone, Autumn is here.

As we reach the last quarter of the year, and with it the cold and rain, not all is lost. We still have a couple of meetups in store for you until the end of the year, and the city calendar is also looking strong!

While we wait for that, let’s recognise the fact that we had over 250 attendees on the last OPO.design, with the support of ScaleUp Porto.

We couldn’t be happier and the new panel format worked really well! It was a great chance to have a closer interaction between the speakers and the audience, as well as being a great catalyst for the conversations that followed.

Expect our Wrapping Up article soon with all the pictures, videos and awesomeness you’re used to. Meanwhile, let’s take a look at all the events happening in Porto in October.

Upcoming Porto Events

❤ Here are the events happening in Porto this month. Topics include JavaScript, Design, and pretty much anything creative or tech related.

October 1, 18h30–21h00

· misc · Kaggle Days Meetup Porto — Closing Competition
Kaggle Days Meetups are a series of events all over the world that aim to gather Kagglers and people interested in Data Science.

October 3, 19h00–21h00

· misc · HUG PORTO 1# — Critical Techworks
This is the first Porto HashiCorp User Group and will happen at Critical Techworks.

October 3, 19h00–22h00

· misc · 1st Scala Meetup Porto
Scala Porto is a group of Scala users that meets to discuss best practices and how the technology is being used successfully by organisations.

October 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25, 31, 17h00–21h00

· misc · Learning from Users: User Research Methods for Technology Design
35h training: Developing successful technologies requires a deep understanding of the practices and context of those users, however, not all engineers and designers have the tools to conduct user research by themselves.

October 9, 18h30–20h30

· dev · Code Reuse in Mobile: Beyond Conventional Approaches
Mobile developers are often making a choice between writing the same code twice and leveraging some of the cross-platform frameworks with all of its pros and cons. Do you even need to share the code between the platforms? What if there are more than two options?

October 10, 19h00–21h00

· dev · Porto Codes
Porto Codes is a meetup for local and international programming enthusiasts. One of our goals is to provide programming resources to the community.

October 11, ALL DAY

· dev · Porto Tech Hub Conference
From design and music to performing arts and new age company culture. Creativity and Technology are everywhere!

October 12, 10h00–16h30

· dev · Porto Codes presents Hacktoberfest
Join in Porto i/o Santa Catarina and work on some favorite open source projects. Porto Codes will pitch some local open source projects and spend the day hacking together.

October 14, 9h30–13h00

· misc · MASTERCLASS | Growing and Managing Remote Teams
Marcus Wermuth and Gonçalo Hall — two great guests will share some stories and tips to create and manage remote teams in the tech world.

October 14, 9h00–14h00

· misc · Demium Roadshow
DEMIUM is a pre-team & pre-idea startup incubator specialised in seeking and connecting the best business opportunities with the best entrepreneurial talent.

October 16, 18h00–19h30

· dev · A byte of: Flutter
Byte sized meetups to open your appetite. In this byte, the talk is about Flutter.

October 17, 18h30–20h30

· misc · Agile Product Development Process in a Fast-Changing Environment Product School
A product team (design, development, and management) will share their experience and learnings, explaining how they shaped an agile product development process to get a product off the ground with solid foundations. A fast-changing environment is always one of the biggest challenges of product development, where quick decisions and flexibility are crucial to success.

October 17, 19h00–21h00

· misc · Porto Digital Nomads and Expats Meetup
A new edition of Porto Digital Nomads Meetup will bring you lots of great vibes and new people to meet!

October 18, 9h30–18h30

· misc · 2º CIFMOB-Conferência Internacional o Futuro da Mobilidade
Join national and international mobility experts to discuss the future of cities and mobility.

October 20, 10h00–12h00

· dev · PyCoffee in Porto i/o
PyCoffee is an experimental format of informal Python meetups, organized by Python Porto in partnership with Porto i/o.

October 22, 9h30–12h30

· misc · MASTERCLASS | Improving the Corporate/Startup Relationship
Exploring some case studies of collaboration between startups and bigger organisations.

October 22, 9h30–17h00

· misc · E-commerce e venda de produtos e serviços através de canais digitais & Influenciadores online e estratégias
The third of a series of workshops aimed to teach how to better use digital channels to internationalise businesses.

October 23, 18h00

· dev · Blockstack Meetup Portugal
The Portuguese Blockstack app builders want to meet up and invite the community to learn more about Blockstack and decentralized applications.

October 23, 19h00–20h30

· misc · How to attract more and better talent with Inbound Recruiting
Are you posting job offers like crazy and waiting (and praying) for the best and high-performing candidates to apply? Do you spend lots of money in job ads but you actually don’t get qualified candidates? Are you struggling to attract, engage and hire top talent?

October 23, 19h00–20h30

· dev · CocoaHeads Porto October 2019
Provides a stage for speakers from the Portuguese iOS and MacOS community as well as for international guests to share and discuss learnings from their work.

October 24, 18h00–20h00

· dev · ØxOPOSɆC Mɇɇtuᵽ [0x77] — The Meet
Did you burn your brain solving the summer challenges? Are you just one step closer to the final solution? Some topics are just overkill, but don’t worry, the hackers that are behind the scenes of the grand summer challenge will reveal everything you need to know about it.

October 25–26, 9h00–18h00

· dev · DSPT Day
DSPT Day is an independent and international conference in Portugal dedicated exclusively to topics related with Data Science, bringing together professionals, companies, trainers and enthusiasts of related fields.

October 26, 10h00–17h00

· dev · Porto Codes & NIAEFEUP present Hacktoberfest
Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source software run by DigitalOcean and DEV. Join it at FEUP and work on some favorite open source projects. They will pitch some local open source projects and spend the day hacking together.

October 28, 19h00–21h00

· dev · JAMstack OPO #4 | React Hooks: a useFul guide
JAMstack is not about specific technologies. It’s a new way of building websites and apps that delivers better performance, higher security, lower cost of scaling, and better developer experience. For this event, we will have João Martins talking about his experience with React Hooks.

October 30, 19h00–21h00

· dev · OPO.js Meetup #10
We’re so excited to host the next free Porto JavaScript Community meetup, supported by the ScaleUp Porto initiative. We’re bringing you three amazing speakers with diverse and amazing topics.

October 31, ALL DAY

· dev · RECPAD 2019
RECPAD is the annual Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition. It is a one-day conference to promote the collaboration between the Portuguese scientific community in the fields of Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Processing, Soft Computing, and related areas.

That’s all for now but we update our calendar every week so stay tuned!

Monthly Must Read & Watch

We hand picked more articles and tools just for you!

Can I email ___? · dev
Support tables for HTML and CSS in emails.

TWEET: Puppeteer Recorder is game-changing for tests · js
This Chrome extension records interactions & *generates* replay scripts.

Manage your design clients and reduce stress with these 10 great tips · design
Manage your design clients and reduce your stress levels with these 10 great tips. Communication is the key, but that’s not all.

CSS Grid Generator · dev
You can set the numbers and units of your columns and rows, and this will generate a CSS grid for you!

Practical Ways to Write Better JavaScript · js
Solid methods to improve your JS.

Upgrading Uber’s 3D fleet · design
15 million times a day these tiny 3D cars travel across screens around the world. Here’s the story of how they redesigned them.

The Making of an Animated Favicon · js
It’s the first thing your eyes look for when you’re switching tabs. That’s one way of explaining what a favicon is. The tab area is much more precious than what most assume.

5 Interesting Uses of JavaScript Destructuring · js
A list of interesting and helpful applications of destructing assignments in JavaScript.

These are our suggestions for you to read/watch in October!

Feel free to suggest events for the calendar by contacting us via Facebook, and tweet us any suggestions on how to improve OPO.network.

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👉 Give a talk at an OPO.network event by submitting here.
👉 If you wrote an awesome article and would like us to share it with the community, contact us via Facebook.

The OPO.network team



Marco Oliveira

Chief Innovation Officer @UpholdInc (12M+ users, $2.4B AUM), 🔙 CEO at https://moxy.studio, Host & Founder @OPOnetwork , Entrepreneur.