Obtaining open and free WiFi whilst on the move

OPP Open WiFi
OPP Open WiFi
Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2018

If you have ever found yourself out and about without a reliable WiFi connection on your mobile device you’re not alone! This growing problem is the main reason behind the rapidly rising open WiFi trend. A trend that is not limited to a particular city or country, but rather worldwide! Visionaries are now setting their sights on goals that are finally well within reach — free WiFi for everyone, everywhere!

Why do we need free WiFi everywhere?

Some people might wonder why they would need to connect to somebody’s free WiFi. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, if you do have internet access on your mobile device, it is often limited by your signal strength. In a busy city, we almost expect to have at least three or four bars. However, this is not always the case. Concrete, metal, and other materials used in buildings and skyscrapers can block the free flow of your service provider’s signal. Which means that a nearby WiFi signal will be far more reliable than your mobile connection.

If you are relying on the GPS feature or app on your mobile device, you will need a fast and reliable internet connection. Interruptions in your connection can result in you getting lost in a hurry! For those who want to research a product or service before spending any money can also do so by looking around online. Again, a reliable connection is a must. If you see a particular item on sale and you want to make sure that you cannot get it cheaper at another store, a quick online search will help you make the right choice. Another great example is when you are looking for a certain type of business in your area — like a restaurant or florist for example. Simply search and use the location on your mobile device to find out which ones are closest to you. These are just three examples of how fast, on-the-go WiFi will make your life that much easier.

How does open WiFi solve the problem?

Thankfully, there is a solution in the form of OPP open WiFi. OPP Open WiFi allows the public to access a reliable network for free. You may have already come across these kinds of networks when visiting various businesses. For example, when you sit down to eat or enjoy a drink at your favourite bar, you may notice that they offer free WiFi. Not only is this a great way of attracting new and regular customers, but businesses can also use this opportunity for targetted advertising and data collection!

If you thought that open WiFi connections are for businesses only, think again! If you have an internet connection in your home, you can make it work for you by opening it up to the public. Remember, it’s not just a matter of making your internet connection accessible to everyone. There are factors like security and privacy to consider as well as the matter of it being a lucrative decision. If you are offering the use of your internet connection, you should get something in return. Businesses get great advertising and they can use this opportunity for gathering client data. As a residential provider, you too can benefit by installing a system that offers rewards.

How to ensure security and rewards

Both businesses and residential clients can enjoy the best rewards by installing a reliable system. This system allows them to offer free access to the public without the risk of anyone accessing their main network. In other words, a separate connection is established which means that your home connection and free public connection are separate. In addition, reliable systems also restrict illegal or unsavoury websites to ensure that your WiFi connection is not misused.

Before opening up your network, make sure that you are getting something out of the deal. Some examples include financial compensation, advertising, and data collection. At OPP Open WiFi, our team offers the best compensation to make your WiFi work for you! Don’t pay high monthly fees without getting something out of it. Think about all that extra data that you’re not using every month and how you can make the most of it with the help of our system and expert team. Join us in making WiFi available to everyone. Join our cause today!




OPP Open WiFi
OPP Open WiFi

Our mission is to expand our WiFi community starting with the UK then Europe and across the world with a view of creating a free open network for anybody to use