The Advantages of Investing in ICO and the Competitive Edge offered by OPP Open WiFi

OPP Open WiFi
OPP Open WiFi
Published in
13 min readAug 30, 2018

Unless you have been living on the moon for the past year, you will have heard of Bitcoin and the effects it has had on the financial industry in recent times. Whether you have bought some yourself, or have simply heard about it on social media, there is no denying that Bitcoin is one of the most talked about topics of this decade.

As it is relatively new, the discussion about Bitcoin and ICO investing ranges from praise to criticism, whereby it’s the individuals with a keen eye for potential growth, who are the ones acclaiming it. On the other hand, the criticism comes from the lack of experience ICO’s have within the market and the high risk that is expected when investing into these projects. However, with hundreds of new ICO’s being created every day, what makes one more appealing than another?

OPP Open WiFi — What we do

Clearly, a company needs to stand out and offer something unique if it is to be successful within this market, which is exactly what we do at OnPolePosition (OPP) Open WiFi. We are offering something that has never been done before — a global, free to access, WiFi hotspot network that allows people to connect to WiFi, wherever they are.

What makes us different?

Based on a survey, we found out that 80% of mobile phone users do not use all of their mobile data within any given month. This means that there are masses of data going to waste. Thus, we came up with a solution whereby consumers get paid back for all the data that they do not use, eliminating any of this unused data and using it effectively.

Not only has our solution not been done before, but our track record also shows that we have professional experience in the WiFi market. Since 2014, we have been distributing hotspot boxes to business throughout the UK and Europe, designed new hotspot technology, and created a WiFi sharing app for smart devices so WiFi can be shared on the move.

Furthermore, in 2018 we surveyed 100,000 homes in the UK asking for feedback regarding our idea — and the response was phenomenal. We had 76% of respondents happy to learn how they can get paid for donating their unused data, which clearly shows how much faith the general public have in our project.

4 Basic things to consider when choosing an ICO to invest in

The ICO market place is fast moving and complex. There are many key things to research in order to find the most promising ICOs. Here is a list of the 4 most basic things to look for.

The company.

Many ICO’s are start ups, a team of people with an idea, good intentions and ambition. All of these things are commendable. However, would you feel more comfortable if the company behind the ICO is well established in their field with long term success and a strong experienced management team?

This describes the OPP team. The team have worked together in technology and marketing based solutions for more than 10 years! OPP have been developing WiFi Hotspot technology since 2014 and support many customers across 15 different countries today!

The Product

Read the White Paper of any ICO you are considering. Is the product clearly described? Do you understand what it does? Do they have it working? Many White Papers are written to be incomprehensible, where having read it one finds oneself utterly baffled. This often means that the people behind the ICO don’t have the product or a prototype ready yet, it can even mean that they don’t fully understand it themselves.

Our product is live and has been providing guest WiFi for our business clients around Europe for several years. We are also developing a version which will work with Smartphones. Our tech updates are continually updated on GitHub so that our followers can track our progress.

Target Users

A key indicator to the likely success of an ICO is their understanding of who their end user customers are. If the White Paper does not spell it out in simple clear terms, then you need to ask why.

OPP Open WiFi knows exactly who we want to talk to. We will broadcast to 500 million Smartphone users. From those people we will find 25 million who will join us as Hotspot Hosts and allow us to help pay their monthly bills in exchange for sharing their unused data!

Problem vs Solution

Does the White Paper describe the problem that the company is setting out to solve? If they are not solving a problem then there is no demand for their product! Simple!

Because for many years the OPP team have worked in the sphere of communications, guest WiFi and marketing, we have been acutely aware of this problem for some time.

2.5 Million of us carry smartphones. We all have to pay that monthly bill, yet on a daily basis 76% of us find ourselves in a position where we cannot get online, or where we cannot get online unless we pay again! Now consider this — 80% of us do not use all of the bandwidth (data) allocated to us on our mobile phone contracts or home / business ISP contracts. What an incredible waste!

Our solution? We have created technology which allows Smartphone users to monetise their unused data in exchange for making it available to our global, open, public WiFi Hotspot. An elegant solution that utilises and monetises a previously unusable resource that will also make the day to day lives of millions of people that little bit easier!

Risks of Investing in an ICO

Lack of Regulation

You cannot discuss the benefits of ICO investing without mentioning the risks.

A great deal of press has highlighted concerns of lack of governmental regulation in the ICO markets.

If you do your due diligence, read the white paper, genuinely understand it, do your research online to inform yourself about blockchain, smart contracts etc, then you will be on your way to making a smart and informed investment.

Successful investors today are doing exactly that. As a result they have forced the quality of ICO’s higher than ever before. This self regulation is a great sign that ICO and crypto markets in general are here to stay and beginning to mature.

Without question, ICO’s are revolutionising the world we live in today. The ICO market place is an ever-growing display of new and innovative start-ups that are coming up with new ideas and systems every day. In this part we will be looking at the next 4 things to check out.

1. Why Blockchain?

Blockchain technology lies at the foundation of every serious ICO. It is the engine which powers de-centralisation and peer to peer activity. It is the innovation which allows free and transparent interaction because of one simple thing — TRUST. It eliminates the need for trust to exist between 2 parties that don’t know each other.

Smart contracts (self executing contracts) are the tools used by businesses that employ Blockchain. Businesses use Blockchain and smart contracts where these 5 criteria apply:

1. There is a presence of a business network, assets and transactions
2. There are multiple participants to verify transactions
3. There is a need to know who has done what and when
4. Transactions must be irrefutable and trusted
5. A single view of truth is required across the network

When considering an ICO ask yourself “does this business need Blockchain?” If you cannot see a real use for Blockchain, then chances are that the business plan has not been well thought through.

Why do OPP Open WiFi need Blockchain and Smart Contracts?

For OPP Open WiFi to operate on a daily basis for years into the future, it undertakes to pay each Hotspot Host on a daily basis for contributing their unused data (bandwidth) to the global network of WiFi Hotspots for a minimum of one hour per day. OPP’s smart contract also pays each stakeholder on a daily basis for viewing a pre-agreed number of messages from advertisers.

In short — OPP will be servicing 25 million people with daily payments to reward daily activity. That means we will be making more than 25 million contracted transactions each day. Every transaction involves the movement of assets across a business network, every transaction involves a defined specific activity and every transaction must have total transparency and trust. This is a perfect match for Blockchain.

Primary contract — Hotspot Hosts — sharing bandwidth

When a Hotspot Host activates the mobile app for one hour per day OPP will pay a daily fee. The most efficient and transparent way to manage this is with a smart contract. OPP provision the reward, once the activity is completed the smart contract is fulfilled, and the reward is released to the Host.

Secondary contract with Hosts — viewing advertising.

Hotspot Hosts are also rewarded for viewing push messages from advertisers. The Hosts elect how many and what type of message they would like to view.

The advertiser is therefore aware of who will view his messages, when, and how frequently.

The advertiser will pay OPP for this service.

This is a smart contract with 3 players, OPP provisions reward for the Host watching the message, the advertiser provisions reward for OPP providing the service, when the message has been seen the smart contract completes and rewards are distributed.

ICO — Smart contracts for investors.

Every investor in OPP Open WiFi ICO will have their transaction carried out with a smart contract. The smart contract defines how much the investor pays, how it is paid, the number of tokens bought and when the tokens are released etc.

Each of these scenarios displays the 5 classic criteria, listed above, that need to exist in order for Blockchain to provide optimal transactional processing.

Why Tokenize the business model?

The next logical question is why use tokens at all? What do they do?

The key benefit that tokenization brings to a business is the ability to use that token to raise funds via ICO.

However, in order for that business to thrive the token really needs to have a use, a purpose. It needs to perform a function that is critical to the day to day running of the business.

If the business is only using tokenization as a means to raise funds via ICO then it is very likely that there will be no future demand for that token. No future demand = no value!!

What function does the token perform for OPP Open WiFi?

Tokenization allows OPP Open WiFi to take its idea to market, to allow the public to evaluate it and invest. ICO’s are the future of crowd funding for business.

OPP Open WiFi has made 3.4% of the total coin reserve available for ICO investors. 94.6% of the tokens will be used by OPP to reward the Hotspot Hosts power their eco –system and run the business on a daily basis for years to come..

With a value of $0.40, tokens are used to pay Hostspot Hosts on a daily basis for sharing their unused data, for referring friends as Hotspot Hosts and for viewing sponsored messages.

The number of tokens paid to each Hotspot Host will have a value that is sufficient to contribute to or even cover their monthly Smartphone bills and other internet bills.

The Hotspot Host is able to spend those earned tokens in a number of ways. They can be exchanged within the OPP system for fiat (USD, Euros, etc) and transferred back into the Host’s bank account, be spent like traditional currency within the OPP On Line Shopping Mall, and of course the Host can trade the OPP tokens on crypto platforms.

How funds raised at ICO are spent

If you can see that it makes sense for the business to use ICO as a fund raising method, and tokenizatiion of the business model actually makes the business work, the next thing to look at is how the business proposes to spend the money that is raised by the ICO.

This is where it is crucial that you read the Whitepaper before investing into any ICO. You need to ensure that most of the investments are being used by the company and are being put to good use.

We don’t need the expertise of Warren Buffet to see if a plan is flawed. Common sense will tell us if they have allocated enough money to their marketing to find the customers they need in order to generate activity. The amount they set aside for product development will tell you if they are serious about getting the product to market etc.

Some companies may not know what to do with all their excess capital. They may not have planned in detail how they are going to proceed after the ICO. If no such plan exists then the capital is easily squandered.

OPP Open WiFi is the opposite. They have carefully planned out how to use the capital raised. As an example, during the research phase the OPP team ran a market survey to assess demand. Having established that huge demand exists they then figured out how much it would actually cost in terms of marketing and advertising to find each Hotspot Host. Based upon the results of nine months of planning and research, OPP Open WiFi know that 50% of capital raised from the ICO will be spent on adverting and marketing in order to find those 25 million Hotspot Hosts. The research also taught them that it will take between 3 and 4 years to reach this level. All of these things are clearly discussed in the White Paper. This level of planning and research is a very strong indicator of the success of the project.

In modern society, you cannot deny the fact that the current ICO market is transforming the world we live in today, and the hype and excitement surrounding it is only causing more and more people to get on board. In this part, we will conclude our series and look at 4 final factors to consider if you are looking to invest in a worthy ICO.

What to Search for when Investing in an ICO

1) The public demand for the company’s token

First of all, the people investing into the business must have some sort of faith that it will succeed. As such, when you research the company you are considering investing in, you have to ensure that they either already have high demand, or have the potential for high demand.

Furthermore, the public cannot only trust the company itself, but must also have complete faith that the token which they are promoting is performing a function that is crucial to the daily running of the business. Some companies use tokenization only as a means to raise funds via ICO, rather than creating one that actually helps the business.

However, at OPP Open WiFi we offer a token that not only improves our day-to-day running of the business, but also benefits you, the customer. Our token makes you feel personally involved in our company, as we are paying you for your unused data. There is a reason that we have already had an outstanding response from our customer-based survey, and based on this, our current high demand situation is only going to grow.

2) The value of the token

Secondly, the actual value of the token that you are investing into is something to consider. If the coin cannot be used then it will not have value. Here, you have to ask yourself a few questions to see if the coin is right for you:

Where can it be spent?

Are you getting your moneys worth?

There are hundreds of companies who have created coins just for the sake of fundraising; therefore beyond fundraising they have little or no function, and therefore little or no value.

At OPP, we have designed an eco-system centred on our on line portal. Hotspot Hosts and community members are able to log on and see daily payments of OPP coming in to their account and then decide where to spend it. Our portal allows users to change OPP in to fiat, credit their bank accounts, credit their OPP credit card or simply go shopping on our on line mall and buys products from the world’s best known retailers like Amazon, Skyscanner etc.

3) A Strong, Coherent and Well-Thought-Out Roadmap

A clear roadmap is crucial when you are looking to invest in an ICO. A roadmap allows the team to detail their next steps, their forthcoming fund distribution and what you, as an investor, should expect in the future.

Furthermore, it allows the product strategy to be communicated across the business. This means that all employees and stakeholders alike have a full understanding of what the company’s vision actually is.

We stick true to this; our team has mapped out our next 9 months in depth, which is readily accessible on our Whitepaper, in an easy-to-read and simple format. As such, you can fully grasp what we are offering, and therefore feel confident in investing into our idea.

4) An Experienced, Accessible and Well-Established Team

Perhaps one of the most crucial things to look at — the token you are investing in must have a credible team behind it. There are many ways to establish this; you can look at the company’s whitepaper or search their LinkedIn profiles and ensure that this is an organisation that you can put your complete confidence in.

At OPP, we have a team of gifted technicians and communicators who offer advice and assistance within the ICO. We assess every situation with a very much hands on approach, and as such we use a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis to evaluate our competitive position, and analyse what areas we need to improve in.

We had to pick a team that would benefit all corners of the business and be able to tackle any hurdles that got thrown to us. As such, we hold a diverse range of portfolios from students to Technology Advisors, to ensure we have different perspectives to any situation.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, there are a number of factors which you need to consider when investing into an ICO.

Make sure you understand what the business actually does.

Make sure you understand how the token helps the business to work.

Ask yourself, are you happy to be a customer of this business? If you would use the product or service offered by the business behind the ICO, then so would hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, just like you. This is a strong indicator that you are looking at a good ICO!

Read the White Paper — if it is confusing mumbo jumbo walk away, if it makes sense read more!

These simple steps can help you make terrific profits from this new and exciting form of investing. Good luck!



OPP Open WiFi
OPP Open WiFi

Our mission is to expand our WiFi community starting with the UK then Europe and across the world with a view of creating a free open network for anybody to use